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Aus Chile" , derzeit wohnhaft in Frankreich

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I am an operational manager trained in the social and medical - social sector of the public service. I am proactive and have a vision of service and delivery. I have several years of experience at national and international level in the management of multi-professional teams, project management, crisis management, social engineering methods and social and solidarity economy. I speak several languages fluently. I am currently the operational director of an aid and support facility for people wit...

I am an operational manager trained in the social and medical - social sector of the public service. I am proactive and have a vision of service and delivery. I have several years of experience at national and international level in the management of multi-professional teams, project management, crisis management, social engineering methods and social and solidarity economy. I speak several languages fluently. I am currently the operational director of an aid and support facility for people with neural development disorders, specifically people with autism spectrum disorders and associated psychological disabilities. Today I am an integral part of the board of directors of the international network of the disability production process and its European antenna in France. I help in various cases of social and health management at the international level with NGOs involved in social and armed conflict zones.

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  • Sozialwissenschaften Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Martin est un spécialiste de l'environnement médico sociale, un homme du terrain et professionnel engagé. Il est au courant avec les dernières règlementations et nouveautés en médico social. Il est à l'écoute et apporte son soutien avec des conseils précis et objectifs. Je le recommande chaleureusement. Il m'a guidé sur mon mémoire Master Etablissements medico sociaux.
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Spanisch Muttersprache



Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Intervecion Y Desarrollo Social. Discapacidad Y Dependencia
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Psicoterapeuta
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Sociologia
Abschlusszeugnis Derecho International
Abschlusszeugnis Management
Zertifikat Intervecion Y Desarrollo Social. Discapacidad Y Dependencia
Zertifikat Sociologie
Zertifikat Ingenieria Social

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