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Mariano E.

Aus Argentinien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Irland

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Die Lehrkraft hat ihre/seine Präsentation in einer anderen Sprache verfasst. Automatisch übersetzen

I invite you to a space for research and self-knowledge. Finding in our voice something more than a beautiful melody. Being able to express and transform, with it, our deepest feelings. Working conscientiously and protecting it. The class is organized in four parts: RELAXATION AND WARM UP: Some stretching exercises to start activating and preparing the body and mind to sing. TECHNIQUE: We will address a series of exercises and theoretical-practical knowledge related to the management of breat...

I invite you to a space for research and self-knowledge. Finding in our voice something more than a beautiful melody. Being able to express and transform, with it, our deepest feelings. Working conscientiously and protecting it. The class is organized in four parts: RELAXATION AND WARM UP: Some stretching exercises to start activating and preparing the body and mind to sing. TECHNIQUE: We will address a series of exercises and theoretical-practical knowledge related to the management of breathing, the location of resonance spaces, articulation and levels of sound projection. VOCALIZATION: We will prepare the voice, through different exercises and musical scales, to be able to sing without hurting ourselves. REPERTOIRE: We will choose a song and work on it putting into play all the previously acquired knowledge. The most important thing when singing is to be aware and register our voice. So as not to hurt us. We will always work very carefully and pay attention if there is something that causes us some kind of discomfort. It is important to inform the teacher at all times if there is any particular discomfort.

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  • Gesang Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Intérprete De Teatro Musical
Zertifikat Cantante

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