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Aus Kenia"

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Hello! My name is Leon, I'm currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Architecture. My specialties are in Architecture and Graphic Design - with at least 2 year teaching experience in both. My method of teaching is very flexible, always adjusting to the needs of my student. I would describe my classes as fun and very informative. I value creating lasting impressions with my students, building rapport and relationships. A lot of times, it is more of an exchange rather than dictation as everyone ca...

Hello! My name is Leon, I'm currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Architecture. My specialties are in Architecture and Graphic Design - with at least 2 year teaching experience in both. My method of teaching is very flexible, always adjusting to the needs of my student. I would describe my classes as fun and very informative. I value creating lasting impressions with my students, building rapport and relationships. A lot of times, it is more of an exchange rather than dictation as everyone can have a valid input in design. Moreover, it is not only lessons offered by me, but also assistance in any project you partake as well as coaching for younger students. I hope to meet you soon.

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  • Grafik Design
    • After Effects
    • Ilustrator
    • Photoshop
  • Technisches Zeichnen Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor Of Architecture

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