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Aus Kolumbien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Die Niederlande

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Hello! My name is Laura, I am a teacher of several languages ​​and I have my own language school. My passion for Languages ​​began with Literature, I LOVE to read, and therefore I learned several languages ​​to get to know and educate myself in various cultures and their ways of life since I also travel a lot. Why did I decide to teach? Because there is art in languages, there is love in languages, and the best way to understand a being and their actions is through their native language, or th...

Hello! My name is Laura, I am a teacher of several languages ​​and I have my own language school. My passion for Languages ​​began with Literature, I LOVE to read, and therefore I learned several languages ​​to get to know and educate myself in various cultures and their ways of life since I also travel a lot. Why did I decide to teach? Because there is art in languages, there is love in languages, and the best way to understand a being and their actions is through their native language, or their mother tongue as we also call it. I have 2 years of experience giving online classes to children and adults alike and each one with a different mother tongue. I will be more than happy to be your online teacher to help you achieve your goals, be it professional, recreational or educational!

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  • Spanisch
    • Spanisch im Alltag
    • Vokabeln
    • DELE A2
    • Leseverstehen
    • DELE B1 Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • DELE B2 Prüfungsvorbereitung
  • Niederländisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Spanisch Muttersprache


EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

KatalanischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Cambridge English Degree In C2 Proficient