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Kumar A.

Aus Indien"

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Hello! I am Kumar Animesh, I have a degree in Computer Science from VMRF India and 12 years of multi industry experience in business analysis and data mining. When I started my carrer in 2010 there were no automated data anaysis tools to derive business insights, we relied on Ms Access and Ms Excel. My profociency in excel in not only learned through books and classes but through practicle exposure and by working on real time data. I can not only teach what and why of excel but also the importan...

Hello! I am Kumar Animesh, I have a degree in Computer Science from VMRF India and 12 years of multi industry experience in business analysis and data mining. When I started my carrer in 2010 there were no automated data anaysis tools to derive business insights, we relied on Ms Access and Ms Excel. My profociency in excel in not only learned through books and classes but through practicle exposure and by working on real time data. I can not only teach what and why of excel but also the importance of the skill in today's day-to-day business.

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  • Computer Software
    • Word
    • E-Mail
    • Power Point
    • Browser
    • Access
    • Excel

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss B.E Computer Science