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Aus Nigeria"

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Hello, I'm Kesiena Ohwota, a versatile web developer. I hold a degree in Information Management Technology. I have 5 plus years developing the craft for companies and as a freelancer. But I am now devoted to my new passion in teaching, where my love for seeing young people come into for the industry will come true. Every learner is unique, I pattern my teaching to suit my leaners to give them the best and ensure they get all that is needed to excel. I will be help to happy you achieve your goal...

Hello, I'm Kesiena Ohwota, a versatile web developer. I hold a degree in Information Management Technology. I have 5 plus years developing the craft for companies and as a freelancer. But I am now devoted to my new passion in teaching, where my love for seeing young people come into for the industry will come true. Every learner is unique, I pattern my teaching to suit my leaners to give them the best and ensure they get all that is needed to excel. I will be help to happy you achieve your goals.

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  • Programmierung
    • PHP
    • HTML
    • Python
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • Scratch
    • Django

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Abschlusszeugnis B.Tech Information Management Technology