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Aus Argentinien"

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This meditation and mindfulness class introduce the students the art of conscious breathing and inner awareness. Utilizing the ancient method of yoga and the modern techniques of mindfulness we will work on developing fundamental aspects of our mental health as concentration, full awareness of thoughts, emotions, experiences and body sensations. The dynamic of the classes will be customized according the student needs. We'll make a first encounter to stablish goals and specific aspects of our l...

This meditation and mindfulness class introduce the students the art of conscious breathing and inner awareness. Utilizing the ancient method of yoga and the modern techniques of mindfulness we will work on developing fundamental aspects of our mental health as concentration, full awareness of thoughts, emotions, experiences and body sensations. The dynamic of the classes will be customized according the student needs. We'll make a first encounter to stablish goals and specific aspects of our life that we want to develop. I will create a personalized scheme of breathing exercises, guided meditations and practice to work on. The main propose of the classes is to offer tools and companionship to the students for them to create their own regular practice. The exercises I'll teach can work as powerful tools to deal with conflicts, difficulties, challenges that we can use in our regular life. In my experience as a yoga and mindfulness teacher I had work with students across the world (Argentine, Spain, US, Australia and Chile). I had work with different emotional and personal process as anxiety, post-traumatic stress, insomnia, anger, lack of concentration and focus. I also work on issues as value and self-esteem and ways to generate abundance in our life and materializing our dreams. I have to clarify that I don’t offer magical remedies to all this issues. The results are not immediate and will depend on the inner work of the student, their will and personal characteristics. As I mention before, this classes offer sustainable tools for the inner growth and personal awareness. I will offer individual classes for the new students but the idea is to work with four monthly sessions (one per week) so we can advance step by step and I'll be able to monitor advantages and difficulties of each student and make the necessary adjustments.

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  • Coaching Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

Verfügbarkeit (Der Stundenplan wird in deiner Ortszeit angezeigt)

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Spanisch Muttersprache

EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Lic. En Sociología. Universidad De Buenos Aires.
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Profesor De Sociología. Universidad De Buenos Aires.
Zertifikat 200 Hours Certified Yoga Teacher. Shiva Tattva Yoga School. Certified By Yoga Alliance. Tapovan, Rishikesh. India.

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