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Hollman M.

Aus Kolumbien"

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Teacher for more than 13 years - with experience in business foundation - in various sectors of the economy with high knowledge in business implementation, feasibility analysis, brand scaling, financial control and audit, business management, expansion of the company, fiscal control, legal control, and operations. Through the creation of small companies where part of the construction of the brand is sought and a break-even point is sought in a short time, I teach my students the variables that a...

Teacher for more than 13 years - with experience in business foundation - in various sectors of the economy with high knowledge in business implementation, feasibility analysis, brand scaling, financial control and audit, business management, expansion of the company, fiscal control, legal control, and operations. Through the creation of small companies where part of the construction of the brand is sought and a break-even point is sought in a short time, I teach my students the variables that are involved in the brand development process and the financial, legal and advertising strategies such as the aspect of operation, human resources and strategies to get the project off the ground.

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  • Finanzen Fortgeschritten
  • Marketing
    • Social Media

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Spanisch Muttersprache



Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Profesional En Contaduría Pública.
Bachelor-Abschluss Especialista En Finanzaz
Abschlusszeugnis Especialista En Marketing Digital.
Abschlusszeugnis Inglés B2
Abschlusszeugnis Frances B1

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