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🏆 Mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

Geoffrey N.

Aus Kenia"

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Hello! I am Geoffrey Nyakwaye, an history tutor. I have a degree in bachelor of arts in education, specialist in history and a masters student in psychology. I have a 10 years experience teaching and preparing high school and middle level college students for their examinations. I have majored in political history. I could like to organize my online classes according to the learning objectives of each learner . My strength in teaching is patiently listening and understanding my learner in order ...

Hello! I am Geoffrey Nyakwaye, an history tutor. I have a degree in bachelor of arts in education, specialist in history and a masters student in psychology. I have a 10 years experience teaching and preparing high school and middle level college students for their examinations. I have majored in political history. I could like to organize my online classes according to the learning objectives of each learner . My strength in teaching is patiently listening and understanding my learner in order to serve the exact interest and further give them tricks to overcome their areas of difficult.

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  • Geschichte Mittelstufe

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Degree