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Lehrerin aus Peru"

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Hello! I'm Gabi, I'm from Piura, Peru. I really believe in the impact of social development programs, which is why I have worked in social areas of the private sector and as a volunteer in many educational programs where I taught Spanish. I love to read and write, I have my own blog and I promote reading through literary gatherings. In addition, I practice yoga, swim, and play ping pong. I have two years of experience teaching English in a public school and one year teaching Spanish to foreigner...

Hello! I'm Gabi, I'm from Piura, Peru. I really believe in the impact of social development programs, which is why I have worked in social areas of the private sector and as a volunteer in many educational programs where I taught Spanish. I love to read and write, I have my own blog and I promote reading through literary gatherings. In addition, I practice yoga, swim, and play ping pong. I have two years of experience teaching English in a public school and one year teaching Spanish to foreigners.

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    • Business Spanisch
    • Vorbereitung auf Vorstellungsgespräche
    • Leseverstehen

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Diplomatura En Lectura Y Escritura En Educación

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