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Lehrerin aus China"

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👩‍💻Daisy's course features 1. According to different needs, degrees, and ages, to design the courses suit for students 2. The content of the class can be adjusted at any time according to different situations 3. Provide diversified teaching materials, so that children can learn Chinese happily 4. Serious and patient in teaching 【Chinese for daily use】 1. Breakfast 2. What is this? 3. How many students are there? 4. Where are you going? 5. How can I go to the...? 6. Almost... 7. The school is ...

👩‍💻Daisy's course features 1. According to different needs, degrees, and ages, to design the courses suit for students 2. The content of the class can be adjusted at any time according to different situations 3. Provide diversified teaching materials, so that children can learn Chinese happily 4. Serious and patient in teaching 【Chinese for daily use】 1. Breakfast 2. What is this? 3. How many students are there? 4. Where are you going? 5. How can I go to the...? 6. Almost... 7. The school is big

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  • Chinesisch Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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