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Lehrerin aus Argentinien"

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My name is Anto Gandini. I am a professional singer and passionate about the voice. I studied music and singing at a Conservatory in Buenos Aires. I am also a Yoga teacher, which gave me many self-perception tools. When I discovered the Rabine method I knew that this was the way. Since it connects the body with the voice and everything that it gave me and made me grow inspired me to share this experience with others. I have been teaching singing for more than 5 years and I am in constant trainin...

My name is Anto Gandini. I am a professional singer and passionate about the voice. I studied music and singing at a Conservatory in Buenos Aires. I am also a Yoga teacher, which gave me many self-perception tools. When I discovered the Rabine method I knew that this was the way. Since it connects the body with the voice and everything that it gave me and made me grow inspired me to share this experience with others. I have been teaching singing for more than 5 years and I am in constant training. I guide the classes 100% to the needs of each student. I know how beautiful it is to be able to connect with our own voice and I would love to help you achieve it!!

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Ausbildung und Erfahrung Profesora De Música Am Lernen
Abschlusszeugnis Profesora De Yoga

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