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Aus Peru" , derzeit wohnhaft in Spanien

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Hi there! My name is Anthony, I am an economist with a master's degree in International Political Economy and four years of work experience in wholesale banking. Finance has always been one of the subjects that has interested me the most throughout my academic life, which has led me to pursue different specializations in order to deepen my knowledge of the industry and to work in the banking sector. Likewise, since I was an undergraduate student, I have taught private classes on subjects relat...

Hi there! My name is Anthony, I am an economist with a master's degree in International Political Economy and four years of work experience in wholesale banking. Finance has always been one of the subjects that has interested me the most throughout my academic life, which has led me to pursue different specializations in order to deepen my knowledge of the industry and to work in the banking sector. Likewise, since I was an undergraduate student, I have taught private classes on subjects related to business and economics Therefore, I know that one of the main obstacles that can arise for those who want to get started in the world of finance is the understanding and mastery of the financial mathematics. That is why I have developed a method and practical material that, in addition to compiling the basic and intermediate concepts, is designed to help my students to easily understand how to use the tools offered by financial mathematics and thus understand the financial system. If your desire is to master financial mathematics and get started in the world of finance, do not hesitate to contact me, I would be glad to be your tutor. I'll see you in class!

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  • Finanzen Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Bachiller En Economía Y Negocios Internacionales
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Máster En Relaciones Internacionales