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Aus Argentinien"

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Hello! My name is Alejo, I am a Violin / Viola and Audioperseptive teacher, with 15 years of experience and musical work, I really like teaching and learning from my students, I teach beginner, intermediate and advanced students, I also specialize in how to play Tango and the folk music of Argentina, everyone is welcome to consult me ​​and request the help they need. The classes are private and highly specialized in the needs and tastes of each student. Thank you very much for reading me, hugs...

Hello! My name is Alejo, I am a Violin / Viola and Audioperseptive teacher, with 15 years of experience and musical work, I really like teaching and learning from my students, I teach beginner, intermediate and advanced students, I also specialize in how to play Tango and the folk music of Argentina, everyone is welcome to consult me ​​and request the help they need. The classes are private and highly specialized in the needs and tastes of each student. Thank you very much for reading me, hugs!

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  • Geige Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten
  • Musik Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Abschlusszeugnis Secundario Finalizado, Facultad En Progreso Am Lernen

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