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Aus Tunesien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Spanien

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Die Lehrkraft hat ihre/seine Präsentation in einer anderen Sprache verfasst. Automatisch übersetzen

Master English elegance: practice the 4 pillars of all languages (speaking-writing-reading-listening) with me. speech: I use a simple method to learn to speak by repeating and practicing with me important basic topics to start and continue a conversation. writing: I use a simple method to learn to write by practicing the 3 pillars (spelling-vocabulary-grammar) reading: I use a simple method to learn to read by practicing the 3 pillars (phonetics-fluency-comprehension) listening: I use a simple m...

Master English elegance: practice the 4 pillars of all languages (speaking-writing-reading-listening) with me. speech: I use a simple method to learn to speak by repeating and practicing with me important basic topics to start and continue a conversation. writing: I use a simple method to learn to write by practicing the 3 pillars (spelling-vocabulary-grammar) reading: I use a simple method to learn to read by practicing the 3 pillars (phonetics-fluency-comprehension) listening: I use a simple method to learn to listen by watching movies together hehe

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  • Grafik Design
    • Motion
    • After Effects
    • Ilustrator
    • Photoshop
  • Videobearbeitung
    • Adobe Premiere

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Spanisch Konversationsfähigkeiten

EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

FranzösischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis 3D Animation