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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Relativität

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Dalia A.




Dalia A. Empfohlen


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Atom- und Teilchenphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

My name is Dalia. PhD Student at Penn State University studying Nuclear Engineering. I studied Nuclear Engineering in Alexandria University, Egypt. I applied for PhD programs and I was accepted in Penn State University in the Nuclear Engineering department and I'm a Research Assistant currently, but when I first arrived I worked as a Teaching Assistant, the course on Radioactive Waste. Back in Egypt, I was teaching in reputable science centers like Bibliothca Alexandrina, I taught physics as a volunteer to different age groups of students ranging from 14 to 21, variety of topics on this subject, classical mechanics, modern physics, and electricity and magnetism. After graduation, I worked as a Teaching Assistant in Zewail City of Science and Technology in Egypt, which is a reputable university founded by the Egyptian Nobel Prize winner Ahmed Zewail. I tutored introductory physics to freshmen including classical mechanics and electrodynamics. I also participated in the Physics Lab teaching different experiments to the students and performing them with the students. I also worked as an online tutor in the platform TutorMe for 4 years. And also worked in a project launched by Mathpresso company, solving and providing detailed explanations for math and physics problems, for example; SAT/ACT/AP/IB math questions and providing a typed detailed explanation for each question. My teaching and tutoring experience are on physics, math, and nuclear engineering.

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






327 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Mechanische Physik Quantenphysik

Ciao, il mio nome è Riccardo e sono un dottorando ad Utrecht specializzato nello studio della fisica della materia da un punto di vista teorico. Ho susseguito la laurea magistrale in Fisica Teorica all' Università di Bologna con una votazione di 110/110 e L e possiedo anche un master in Didattica ed Insegnamento BES. Ho già esperienza nell'ambito delle lezioni private e le mie lezioni sono incentrate sulla preparazione e conseguimento di esami universitari e/o ripetizioni per la scuola superiore. Di solito tendo a dare egual peso all'aspetto teorico e pratico della materia dividendo la lezione in una parte dedicata agli esercizi ed una allo studio della teoria. Sono anche molto flessibile ai bisogni individuali dello studente. Se siete curiosi o volete qualche informazione in più scrivetemi senza esitare e sarò lieto di rispondervi al più presto!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






167 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Optik Mechanische Physik

My course is structured according to the model of the competency-based approach (PCA). In fact, before entering into the subject, we start from a life situation (a common problem encountered in life) which is related to the lesson which therefore relates to the questions that we must deploy to develop at the help learning activities and then make a summary at the end of which there are of course the application exercises.

17 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe




Filippo Empfohlen


858 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Hallo zusammen, ich möchte mich kurz vorstellen. Ich bin Filippo, habe meinen Abschluss in Physik gemacht, habe bereits Erfahrung mit Oberstufen- und ...

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






96 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Grundlagen

Ciao sono Antonella, una studentessa universitaria di fisica che svolge lezioni di ripetizione e tutoraggio di matematica e fisica da ormai cinque anni a studenti di medie e superiori. Queste materie sono come lo sport: ci vuole costante esercizio e allenamento per diventare pratici. Più che fissarsi sulla teoria trovo importante vedere durante le lezioni la pratica che aiuta a capire il vero significato dell'argomento che si sta trattando. Quindi un esercizio ve lo mostro io, ma fa attenzione che poi toccherà a voi! Tranquillo però, riconosco quanto possano risultare difficili queste materie, per questo so essere molto paziente con i miei studenti. Mi piace organizzare le lezioni in base alle esigenze di ogni studente, sarò felice di aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi!

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






25 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektromagnetismus Astrophysik Quantenmechanik Computerphysik

Hola soy Jefferson Vaca graduado en física y estoy terminando mi maestría en Astrofísica en el INAOE-México. Desde la preparatoria me ha gustado enseñar y entiendo que cada persona tiene una forma de aprendizaje diferente. Busco adaptarme a tu estilo de aprendizaje, el objetivo de mis clases siempre será simplificar de forma más intuitiva hasta los conceptos más difíciles. Domino el calculo diferencial e integral, las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales y ordinarias de manera analítica o con métodos numéricos.

26 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






622 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik

Ho la laurea in Matematica, docente di matematica e fisica ho insegnato al liceo scientifico per oltre trent'anni, adesso in pensione. Disponibile per lezioni di matematica e di fisica a studenti di scuole medie superiori. Il mio metodo? L' esperienza mi ha insegnato che non esiste "UN METODO", ogni studente è diverso: occorre,quindi, adattarlo alle esigente di chi si sta cercando di aiutare. Usando le parole di Albert Einstein: "Ognuno è un genio. Ma se si giudica un pesce dalla sua abilità di arrampicarsi sugli alberi lui passerà tutta la sua vita a credersi stupido."

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



9 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Flüssigkeitsphysik Quantenmechanik

Hi, I'm Gianluca De Pasquale, I have a master's degree in Physics. I have experience in teaching Mathematics and Physics, both for high school and university. These are subjects on which it is sometimes necessary to retrace the basics. As example, what's the point of solving differential equations if one has no idea of ​​how to revolve first degree equations in a single unknown? In this work I try to have an approach that is as pragmatic as possible. Theory is needed, but then most of the time is spent on exercises, some even challenging compared to the average level of students, but I think it is important to stimulate interest in the subject also by proposing something from a different and more original perspective compared to the usual. Thanks for the attention, Gianluca

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektromagnetismus Atom- und Teilchenphysik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik

¡Hola! Me llamo Bárbara, soy graduada en física y actualmente estoy estudiando el máster del profesorado para ser profesora de física y matemáticas. Tengo experiencia dando clases a nivel de bachillerato. Si estás pensando en prepararte para la oposición militar para el acceso a escala de suboficiales o oficiales (por promoción interna o acceso directo) , de la armada, el ejercito de tierra o el ejercito del aire y del espacio, te puedo ayudar, con el temario, con la resolución de problemas, y con técnicas de examen. Yo ya me he presentado y tengo bastante idea de cómo prepararse para los exámenes tipo test dónde no sólo es importante saber los contenidos de física, también es muy importante saber enfrentarse al examen con rapidez y eficacia.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






8 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Quantenphysik

Soy un apasionado de la ciencia, la educación, la creatividad y la innovación. Soy licenciado en ciencias físicas con especialidad en física teórica y doctor en ciencias con especialidad en física del estado sólido. Cuento con un posdoctorado. Tengo 15 años de experiencia en docencia universitaria y he dado asesorías a nivel bachillerato y preparatoria en diferentes áreas de la física y las matemáticas, incluyendo álgebra, cálculo, mecánica clásica, mecánica cuántica, nanotecnología, ciencia de materiales y relatividad

21 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Md A.

Md A.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Relativität Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Grundlagen Computerphysik

Hey there! I'm Muhammad Ahsan and I'm super excited to tell you a bit about myself and what makes my classes a blast! 🚀 I'm a Engineering final year students .I have been teaching more than 4 years . I am very passionate to teach maths, chemistry and physics. Fancy, right? Now, here's the scoop on my journey.You know what really revs up my engine? Teaching! For the last three years, I've been diving deep into the education realm, bringing my passion for communication to life in online classes. What sets my classes apart? It's all about YOU. I tailor my classes to match your needs, goals, and quirks. Whether you're tackling high school hurdles or navigating the wild university terrain, I'm here to guide you through the maze of knowledge. Why do I love teaching? Simple. It's the joy of helping you reach those "aha" moments, those lightbulb flickers when a concept clicks. Your success is my success, and we're in this together! I've got your back. Let's dive into the world of learning with a splash of fun and a sprinkle of personalized magic. Can't wait to embark on this educational adventure with you! 🌟

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