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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Reine Chemie

36 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



31 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie

Hello! I am a graduate from the University of Calgary with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry (GPA 4.0/4.0). My speciality is organic chemistry and I have experience working in the industry as an organic chemist (research scientist in medicinal chemistry). I have several years of experience as a private tutor for high school and university students. I enjoy helping students learn and understand chemistry by focusing on fundamental concepts and critical thinking. My goal is to help students learn to solve problems by themselves and become independent. I specialize in general and organic chemistry, including organic synthesis, spectroscopy, mechanisms, medicinal chemistry, industrial organic chemistry, and chromatography.

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Nuklearchemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hi, I am Vandana. PhD student in Chemical Engineering at UNSW,Sydney. I have a Master's degree in Chemistry with a specialization in Organic chemistry from the University of Delhi one of the best university for science in My home country. I have a master's degree in chemical engineering as well with a specialization in Catalyst technology from IIT Madras with NIRF ranking 1 in past few years which makes it the best technical university in India. I love studying and teaching chemistry. I enjoy explaining concepts in an organized manner. The key to teaching is you are suppose to understand every concept in detail, if you find concepts easy and you understand everything then only you can teach them to others. I was blessed with some amazing Professors and scientists who use to teach such complex systems with so much clarity that learning with them was a simple and easy task. Which helped and motivated me to help others in the same manner. I will try to make things interesting and easy for you.

24 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Joseph M.

Joseph M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Physikochemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hola, mi nombre es Joseph Machado, tengo 37 años y soy profesor de matemáticas y ciencias. Soy venezolano pero actualmente vivo en Santiago de Chile. Poseo mas de 10 años de experiencia impartiendo clases de matemáticas, física y química a nivel de educación básica y media. Me caracterizo por ser una persona proactiva, didáctico y dinámico en todas mis clases, buscando y aplicando los mejores recursos y materiales para el entendimiento y comprensión de la asignatura en cada uno de mis estudiantes. Además, poseo mucha experiencia como examinador de pruebas de admisión a la universidad, por lo que también dispongo de material y muchos ejemplos para la resolución de ejercicios de este tipo de exámenes. Te invito a recibir clases conmigo, y te garantizo que tus dudas y tus problemas estarán resueltos de la manera mas didáctica y sencilla posible.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Physikochemie Biochemie Präparative Chemie Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Sono una studentessa di Medicina al terzo anno, ho conseguito il diploma al Liceo Scientifico, ho sempre avuto una maggiore propensione per le materie scientifiche oltre che avere tante passioni, come la musica, lo sport e lo scoutismo Ho varie esperienze di tutoraggio online con ragazzi di diverse età, il mio obiettivo principale è quello di far appassionare i ragazzi alla materia, presentandola con chiarezza, semplicità e mettendo gli studenti, il più possibile, a loro agio

28 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Vereinigtes Königreich

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Organische Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hi! My name is Iain Dykes and I have a master's degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. Since graduating, I have spent over four years in the education sector in various roles. This includes two years as an English teacher in Beijing, as well as periods as a science and maths teacher in UK secondary schools, and online tutoring. I am a firm believer that the most successful teachers are enthusiastic learners themselves. As a scientist, I am fascinated by the world around us and it is my ambition to pass that passion for nature on to my students. Every student is unique and every problem has a myriad of valid solutions. In my classes, I hope to encourage you to think critically and form reasoned judgments. It's not about a right way or a wrong way, but discovering the way that makes sense to you. I would be thrilled to assist you in any way I can!

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie

Hola. Soy Yesid Vianchá. Soy Tecnólogo Químico, Químico y he sido analista de laboratorio. Tambien he sido docente de Química en varias universidades. Trabajo con adultos jóvenes y adultos en la mayoría de áreas de la quimica, especialmente, alimentos y bioquimica. SI lo deseas, podemos agendar una reunion para conocernos y para hablar de tus dudas e inquitudes, en aras de diseñar la estrategia que mejor se adapate a tus necesidades, horarios, disponibilidad y estilo de aprendizaje. La idea es que superes tus dudas y, lo más importante, que te involucres en el proceso. Un abrazo.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Physikochemie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie Angewandte Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hi!, I am a resourceful and compassionate teacher of science (chemistry) with 18+ years of experience, teaching diverse student populations. Well-rounded in using various instructional techniques with a solid commitment to students' academic, social, and emotional growth. Empathic professional skilled at developing and implementing engaging lesson plans to increase your love of learning. I have experience giving online classes to elementary and high school students.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Anorganische Chemie

Hola! Soy Helena,Estudiante de Ciencias Quimicas, Universitaria, puedo ayudarte en varios temas con dudas que tengas sobre Quimica y Matemáticas, con materiales incluidos.Tengo experencias en dando cursos y enseñando a alumnos de bachilleres.Podemos organizar juntos las clases,tal sea la necesidad del alumno. También estudio música, guitarra y piano, me encanta el arte todo lo demás así como también la Ciencias. ¡ Voy a estar muy contenta de poder ayudarte, y enseñarte!😘

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Industrielle Chemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hello! I'm Chijioke Anagha with a degree in Maths Education from Federal university of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. I also have a 2nd degree in Mathematics education from Abia state university, Uturu.For more than 10 years,l have giving online classes to mid school, high school and university level students. My passion is to impart knowledge and provide quality service in my classes. With my good communication skills, l can reach out to the needs of different categories of students in my classes. l am organized, reliable and dedicated with an excellent eye for details.I will provide you with the service you deserve.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Präparative Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Benvenuti sul mio profilo, mi chiamo Vincenzo, sono un giovane laureato in Chimica Analitica presso l'università La Sapienza di Roma. Ho esperienza nell'insegnamento privato da 3 anni, durante i quali ho avuto modo di seguire più alunni, di diverse età (dalla scuola elementare a studenti universitari) nelle discipline di Chimica (Chimica Generale, Analitica, Organica, Inorganica, Chimica dei Polimeri, Chimica Alimentare e Chimica Ambientale), Matematica e Geometria. Il metodo di insegnamento scelto dipende dagli obiettivi che vengono posti fin dalla prima lezione con l'alunno/a, oltre alla modalità di fruizione (online o presenza), alla frequenza e alle preferenze personali. Gli elementi costanti ed essenziali che devono essere presente nelle lezioni di entrambe le materie sono: ottima organizzazione del programma di studio, gradualità di avanzamento nel livello di difficoltà degli argomenti, interazione e comunicazione bilaterale nel corso delle lezioni.

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