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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Präparative Chemie

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Biochemie Geochemie Anorganische Chemie Nuklearchemie Reine Chemie Angewandte Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Analytische Chemie Julia Physikochemie Chemie Astrochemie Kristallchemie Pharmazeutische Chemie Chemieingenieurwesen Radiochemie Stöchiometrie Latrochemie Industrielle Chemie

Ciao a tutti, sono Kevin De Simone, il vostro biologo marino e tutor universitario di chimica organica. Durante la mia esperienza universitaria non ho potuto fare a meno di notare, quanto il sistema di trasmissione di molti dei concetti relativi a discipline scientifiche accattivanti come chimica , biochimica, genetica e biologia cellulare , sia del tutto piatto e privo di capacità di stimolare interesse , curiosità e consapevolezza su argomenti importanti sia per una futura carriera in ambito della ricerca o della medicina, sia per soddisfare curiosità e dubbi su tematiche che ritroviamo nella vita di tutti i giorni. È per me un immensa fonte di soddisfazione mettere a disposizione passione, esperienza e dedizione per riuscire ad accompagnarvi in questo fantastico percorso full immersion nella riscoperta della natura come non l’avete mai vista prima. Vi aspetto Un caro saluto Kevin

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






66 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Biochemie Geochemie Anorganische Chemie Nuklearchemie Reine Chemie Angewandte Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Analytische Chemie Julia Physikochemie Chemie Astrochemie Kristallchemie Pharmazeutische Chemie Chemieingenieurwesen Radiochemie Stöchiometrie Latrochemie Industrielle Chemie

¡Hola! Soy Alix Ramírez, ingeniero químico en alimentos y especialidad en Química Cosmética por la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, tengo un máster en Administración y Gestión de proyectos científicos, además imparto clases del área de ciencias a nivel universitario y doy algunas asesorías en industria. Me gusta plantear en mis clases, la parte teórica, abordarla con ejemplos prácticos y aplicados para lograr que los conceptos se comprendan en lugar de memorizar, así mismo guiarlos hacia la parte práctica y de ejercicios

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Biochemie Geochemie Anorganische Chemie Nuklearchemie Reine Chemie Angewandte Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Analytische Chemie Julia Physikochemie Chemie Astrochemie Kristallchemie Pharmazeutische Chemie Chemieingenieurwesen Radiochemie Stöchiometrie Latrochemie Industrielle Chemie

Me pongo a tus órdenes para dar asesorías y clases de todas las asignaturas a nivel secundaria, bachillerato, prepa y universidad (Física de fluidos, fisica basica, quimica, reactores químicos, termodinámica, mecanica de fluidos, materiales, fisicoquímica, estadística, fenómenos de transporte, calculo diferencia e integral, matemáticas básicas y aplicadas, matemáticas financieras ) cuento con más de 10 años de experiencia dando clases presenciales y en linea, soy ingeniero químico industrial con maestría en optimización de procesos industriales y materiales, me apasiona enseñar y poder mostrarte el interés de cada una de los temas.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Biochemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hi! My name is Federica, I'm a 20 years old student attending my second year of university. I study Medical Biotechnologies in Ferrara. In high school I took classes of pedagogy, sociology and psychology. I did a stage of 72 hours helping children with their homework in a elementary school and other 72 hours working in a kindergarten. I have a Cambridge English certificate that attests my C1 level in English. I love helping people learn so if you want my help I'll be happy to give it to you!

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie

Sono Diletta laureata in Biologia, ho conseguito un dottorato in scienze e tecnologie biomediche dove ho avuto l'opportunità di insegnare sia a livello pratico che a livello teorico biologia agli studenti in tesi di laurea magistrale. In precedenza ho anche avuto una breve esperienza di insegnamento presso una scuola superiore. Mi piace organizzare la lezione cercando di chiarire e comprendere nel miglior modo possibile gli aspetti teorici della materia per poi concludere con alcuni esempi pratici applicabili alla realtà rendendo l'argomento parte del quotidiano. Offro i 20 minuti gratuiti, cosi da poter comunicare con gli studenti ed essere informata sugli obiettivi di modo da organizzare le lezioni adattandole al singolo caso specifico

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Physikochemie Industrielle Chemie Chemie Chemieingenieurwesen Grundlagen der Chemie

Mi nombre es Melisa, soy Ingeniera Química graduada de la Universidad Nacional del Sur en 2019. Doy clases particulares desde 2014 de Química, Física y Matemática. Actualmente doy clases online debido a que creo que estudiar desde la comodidad de la casa de los alumnos es la mejor forma de aprender. Algunos no quieren mostrarse o prender la cámara lo cual me parece bien. Cada persona es un mundo y es importante entender a cada uno de ellos. Comunicate conmigo y empeza a pensar en tu futuro.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Biochemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie

Hi students, The number of times I was wondering about an exceptional teacher back in my school days, and I often found him in the form of a great scientist who either proposed an atomic model or helped in constructing it further. In other words, I often learned and was inspired by the discoveries and inventions that we practically seeing in this possible world. In this way, my passion begins with that dream to understand chemistry (my favorite subject since childhood) in an exceptional way. I started enjoying doing science in my college and university labs and published some articles too, which has given me a sigh of relief. Now I’ve decided to transfer that experience and knowledge to all of the chemistry students to grow mutually. I have already worked as a T.A (teaching assistant) with my professor and other online platforms like Fiver. I plan my lecture according to the background knowledge of my students and try to build a introductory part in the appropriate way, further diving into the topic to understand it thick and thin. After fully understanding some critical reviews are being taken and at the end sum it up discussing with my students and ask them to bring its practical applications or examples to discuss for the first 5 minutes in the very next lecture. I want to add that I personally love organic chemistry in particular. Because it’s based on fantastic and focused imagination, the movement of electrons into the FMOs (frontier molecular orbitals) and the formation of beautiful molecules excite me at the same time. I’m very much specialized in teaching stereochemistry, spectroscopic techniques, reaction mechanisms (substitution reactions, elimination reactions, cycloaddition reactions, rearrangement reactions, reactive intermediates, radical chemistry, natural product chemistry), kinetics, and thermodynamics of a chemical reaction. Moreover, I often try to explore the future perspective of particular subject, not only to get good marks in the exam but to train a person enough that he/she can apply his/her knowledge in practical life. For instance, we use medicines to combat many illnesses and survive in a better way. All these synthetic drugs are proposed on paper for the first time. Many drugs have had bad effects and exaggerated human health badly. Still, a number of drugs have improved living standards. All these drugs are synthesized on an industrial scale after going through a process called R&D (research and development)analysis. A very recent example in the advancement of vaccine against COVID-19” was an extensive research question and handled beautifully now. I want you to do science. Learn science for the betterment of society. Let's do it. I’ve many favorite personalities in science. R.B Woodward is my all-time favorite synthetic organic chemist because he synthesized some natural products and provided a foot-map for detecting UV range for conjugated compounds at the of just 17, Which organic chemist fascinates you and why?

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Nuklearchemie Reine Chemie Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hello. I am Sara Ismail, I am a qualified chemistry and science teacher as I am science faculty, chemistry department graduate. I have been teaching chemistry for seniors and helping with researches and lectures for chemistry undergraduates since my graduation in 2008. Also I am teaching science for middle school students. As my degree allow me to work in many fields such as quality control, laboratory analysis, pharmaceutical companies, I mainly chose to teach in most of my working years, even as an online tutor as I really find it more fun and worthy as your spreading your knowledge and helping others which is a very valuable message. In my classes I make sure you have got the main idea of the lesson, not just knowing the rule or the concept , but understanding the concept and its application so you would be able to answer any question easily. Teaching is not just a job it is a talent , to well present the information in its simplest and the most clear way is a skill, not so many have, but all the students deserve and need. That's why I feel I belong to teaching, I will be more than happy to help anyone needs help in chemistry and science in general in both English and Arabic languages and for different academic curriculums . Start your chemistry and science lessons with me. Wish you all the best. Good luck

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Grundlagen der Chemie

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Adrián, soy Profesor en Química por la UNMdP y Licenciado en Enseñanza de las Ciencias por la UNSAM y actualmente hago la Maestría en Docencia Universitaria. Tengo 13 años de experiencia en clases con alumnos de Bachillerato, Universidades, Institutos de Formación Docente e Institutos Militares. Con gusto te ayudaré online, a que las dificultades que te presenten las ramas de la química que conozco, se conviertan en aprendizaje de calidad que te permita cimentar otros. Nos vemos...

50 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Dr. B.

Dr. B.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Präparative Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hello, I am Dr. Binesh, your perfect companion to learn the basic and advanced biological concepts. I have a doctorate in Molecular Biology and have experience teaching the university level students. No worries, I can mingle well with the high school students as well. Being a scientist. I always ensure that my knowledge is sharp and latest of the developments in the field. Reach out to me to understand to have a better understanding of any complicated idea in any field of Biology. I would be happy to help...

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