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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Marketing

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Kealeboga M.

Kealeboga M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Hi there my name is Faith and I’m 30 years old I was born and raised in a beautiful country called South Africa. And I hold a qualification in marketing manangement and PC Technician. I have 2 years of experience in tutoring grade 5 and 9 learners. In my classroom we learn English with pride. In my classroom I will be focusing on conversational English, spelling, grammar and pronunciation. I take teaching English as a profession very seriously. And it’s ok to make mistakes because through those mistakes is how we learn.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Instagram Marketing Facebook Marketing Social Media Google Ads (Adwords) Youtube Marketing Google Ads (Adwords)

Hi, I’m Sahib, a Google Ads expert and certified trainer. I have been working in the digital marketing industry for over 5 years, managing and optimizing campaigns for various clients across different industries and niches. I have also been teaching Google Ads to students and professionals who want to learn how to create and run effective online advertising campaigns. I love sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping them achieve their goals and grow their businesses. I am passionate about Google Ads and always keep myself updated with the latest trends and best practices. I have a friendly, patient, and flexible teaching style, and I tailor my lessons to suit your needs and preferences.

35 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

E-Mail-Marketing SEO Facebook Marketing Google Analytics Google Ads (Adwords) Branding

L’analisi di ogni singola situazione, di ogni scenario specifico, è la base di partenza per iniziare una collaborazione. Non esistono formule standard, né moduli replicabili e funzionali per ogni progetto web che si ha in mente. E’ necessario capire le potenzialità di un’idea, tirarne fuori il massimo con gli strumenti a disposizione (e qui il Growth Hacking la fa da padrone). Trasformare limiti in opportunità e sapere quali metriche monitorare per un progressivo miglioramento. Ti prometto affiancamento, affidabilità e condivisione di obiettivi ben precisi. Qui restano fuori le “formule magiche”, l’overpromising e le improvvisazioni non avallate da dati analitici. Non sono un guru né un venditore di corsi pre-registrati. Faccio formazione, individuale o in team senza alcuna promessa di guadagni facili e veloci. Il Web è la grande, vera opportunità cui tutti possono accedere. Ma le regole, le dinamiche, le strategie sono fondamentali.

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Engr. J.

Engr. J.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Community Manager E-Mail-Marketing Marktforschung SEO Social Media

Meet Engineer Jabir, a multifaceted professional who is making a significant impact in various fields. With a strong foundation in mathematics and a passion for teaching, Engineer Jabir has established himself as an esteemed educator, inspiring countless students to embrace the world of numbers and equations. As a professional teacher in mathematics, he possesses a profound understanding of the subject and utilizes his expertise to simplify complex concepts, making learning an enjoyable experience for his students. However, Engineer Jabir's talents extend far beyond the classroom. He is also a skilled writer, captivating audiences with his compelling storytelling and informative content. Whether it's through articles, blog posts, or books, his writing prowess captivates readers, leaving them informed and inspired. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Engineer Jabir shines as a knowledgeable tutor, guiding aspiring marketers through the intricacies of online promotion. His expertise in this ever-evolving field enables him to empower others with the skills needed to thrive in the digital realm. Moreover, Engineer Jabir has embraced the freedom of freelancing, leveraging his diverse skill set to work on a wide range of projects. From web design and development to graphic design and content creation, his versatility and commitment to excellence make him a sought-after freelancer. One of Engineer Jabir's unique talents lies in teaching individuals how to harness the power of the internet to generate income. His passion for online work and wealth creation is evident in his role as a tutor, where he equips students with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the digital landscape and monetize their skills effectively. In summary, Engineer Jabir is a dynamic individual who effortlessly combines his expertise in mathematics, teaching, writing, digital marketing, freelancing, and content creation. With his guidance, you can unlock the secrets of working online and discover the path to financial independence. Prepare to be inspired and educated as you embark on a journey with Engineer Jabir to embrace the world of online work and money-making opportunities.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Community Manager SEO Google Analytics Social Media Branding

Hola, mi nombre es Lorena Farace, soy Parlamentaria Mundial de la educación y voy a contarte sobre mi propuesta.. Mi programa de formación funciona como una fábrica de talentos y está pensado para futuros emprendedores ya que jugamos un papel transformador, socializador y humanizador para lograr un cambio social y demostrar que un mundo mejor es posible. Sabemos que la educación es la base de toda sociedad por eso me comprometo a trabajar con centros e instituciones educativas puesto que el sistema actual muestra signos de agotamiento tanto en los contenidos, en el modo de impartir el conocimiento como en la estructura organizativa porque hoy se requieren nuevas y y mejores competencias para que los jóvenes puedan acceder al empleo, el trabajo decente y el emprendimiento. Continuaré contribuyendo a elevar el potencial humano que sin lugar a dudas representa un tema de gran interés para todos. Muchas gracias.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Mi nombre es Vanessa Gil y no soy nativa digital. Comencé a estudiar Marketing cuando me licencié en Humanidades, en la época en la que internet aún estaba en pañales. Desde entonces, me he formado continuamente en marketing, técnicas de venta, escritura persuasiva y diseño en Canva, porque me gusta aprender, enseñar y demostrarle a mi sobrina adolescente que no soy un dinosaurio analógico. Me gusta enseñar porque siempre aprendo cosas nuevas de mis alumnos. ¿Hablamos?

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung SEO Google Analytics Social Media Google Ads (Adwords) Branding

Ciao, sono Emanuele, docente abilitato in economia, ho una laurea in international management conseguita con 110/110 e un master in innovation retail and e-marketing. Sono qui per aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi, la lezione si concentrerà principalmente sui temi che possono sembrare più ostici all'alunno, ma che insieme attraverseremo utilizzando un approccio personalizzato. Come insegnante privato, adotto un metodo di insegnamento flessibile che si adatta alle vostre esigenze individuali. Durante la lezione tipo, inizieremo con una breve introduzione al tema, seguita da una discussione interattiva per assicurarmi che abbiate una comprensione solida dei concetti chiave. Successivamente, utilizzeremo tecniche di apprendimento attivo, come esempi pratici, esercizi guidati e quiz, per rinforzare la vostra comprensione e migliorare la vostra padronanza del materiale. Sarò sempre disponibile per rispondere alle vostre domande e offrire chiarimenti quando necessario, garantendo così che il vostro apprendimento sia il più efficace possibile. Insieme, affronteremo con successo gli ostacoli che si presentano lungo il percorso verso il vostro successo educativo.

30 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Dr. K.




Dr. K.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing


I believe teahcing is successful only if the student is able to apply the concepts on his own in real life. I believe its important to relate the theories to practical aspects through case studies, relevant examples and scenarios. I am an expert in areas of Human Resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Training and Development, Performance Management system, Marketing Management, Basic IT skills and Business Environment.

30 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe





Vereinigtes Königreich

32 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Marketing

Google Analytics Social Media Google Ads (Adwords)

Jargonfreier Unterricht für Einzelpersonen auf jedem Niveau. Ich habe Erfahrung darin, Mitarbeiter zu schulen, die bereits einige Kenntnisse über gebo...

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Community Manager E-Mail-Marketing Instagram Marketing Facebook Marketing Google Analytics Social Media

Ante todo, un respetuoso y afectuoso saludo, mediante la presente para darles a conocer un poco de mi persona y experiencia laboral. Mi nombre es Ana Mariangelly Díaz Cayama, soy de profesión Comunicador Social. Cuento con (7) siete años de experiencia en creación de contenidos y redacción de textos para redes sociales y medios impresos. De las marcas más relevantes que he tenido la oportunidad de laborar, cabe mencionar a PepsiCo, Microsoft y DELL. De los logros más importantes y aportes a estas compañías cabe mencionar el logro de un Banco de Imágenes propios para las empresas. Así como un Calendario Cultural anual para Venezuela, Centroamérica y Latinoamérica, para todas las marcas que esta posee; PepsiCo Bebidas y Alimentos. Mientras que para las segundas compañías anteriormente mencionadas que les brindaban servicios a estas empresas, el logro de (8) ocho millones de dólares americanos por concepto de estrategia de Marketing Digital por la Campaña del Día del Padre. Me gustaría dar clases a todos los niveles.

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