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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Marktforschung

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung E-Mail-Marketing SEO Instagram Marketing Social Media

Hallo, mein Name ist Flo! Ich bin ein Marketing Experte mit über 15 Jahren Berufserfahrung in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter Marketing, Projektmana...

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Shah M.

Shah M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung Community Manager SEO Google Analytics Social Media

Hello, My name is Shah Murad. I am Highly Organised Business consulting. marketing guru and content writer with 5+ Years of Experience in Managing Multiple Clients/students and Streamlining Processes along with looking at their tasks. My main area is to help small businesses strengthen their brand and overall online presence through various digital marketing strategies. I have a great passion for working as a marketing consultant and conducting market research and I always remain alert to learn all the newest and updated materials. I give my best to improve my skill and my work.

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






7 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung Facebook Marketing Branding

¡Saludos! Soy Marlyng Reina, titulada en Administración de Recursos Humanos, con más de 16 años de experiencia en el área. Tengo estudios de Neuromarketing, copywriting y marca personal. Como coach profesional, mi meta será potenciar tus conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas para mejorar tu presencia laboral y que destaques por la calidad de tu desempeño ¡No esperes más, reserva GRATIS una clase de 20 min. para conocer tus objetivos y mostrarte el camino hacia al éxito profesional!

35 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung E-Mail-Marketing

Marketing strategist with >20 years of experience. I enjoy using my love for data analytics to predict client behavior and plan initiatives that accelerate growth outcomes. Throughout my career, I’ve regularly led sales and executive teams in gathering insights and feedback to offer solutions and implement initiatives that elevate the firm's competitive advantage. Every day, I’m excited about creating and realising plans that maximise revenue streams across multiple time zones and cultures. Let's connect!

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Engr. J.

Engr. J.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung Community Manager E-Mail-Marketing SEO Social Media

Meet Engineer Jabir, a multifaceted professional who is making a significant impact in various fields. With a strong foundation in mathematics and a passion for teaching, Engineer Jabir has established himself as an esteemed educator, inspiring countless students to embrace the world of numbers and equations. As a professional teacher in mathematics, he possesses a profound understanding of the subject and utilizes his expertise to simplify complex concepts, making learning an enjoyable experience for his students. However, Engineer Jabir's talents extend far beyond the classroom. He is also a skilled writer, captivating audiences with his compelling storytelling and informative content. Whether it's through articles, blog posts, or books, his writing prowess captivates readers, leaving them informed and inspired. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Engineer Jabir shines as a knowledgeable tutor, guiding aspiring marketers through the intricacies of online promotion. His expertise in this ever-evolving field enables him to empower others with the skills needed to thrive in the digital realm. Moreover, Engineer Jabir has embraced the freedom of freelancing, leveraging his diverse skill set to work on a wide range of projects. From web design and development to graphic design and content creation, his versatility and commitment to excellence make him a sought-after freelancer. One of Engineer Jabir's unique talents lies in teaching individuals how to harness the power of the internet to generate income. His passion for online work and wealth creation is evident in his role as a tutor, where he equips students with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the digital landscape and monetize their skills effectively. In summary, Engineer Jabir is a dynamic individual who effortlessly combines his expertise in mathematics, teaching, writing, digital marketing, freelancing, and content creation. With his guidance, you can unlock the secrets of working online and discover the path to financial independence. Prepare to be inspired and educated as you embark on a journey with Engineer Jabir to embrace the world of online work and money-making opportunities.

30 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Dr. K.




Dr. K.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing


I believe teahcing is successful only if the student is able to apply the concepts on his own in real life. I believe its important to relate the theories to practical aspects through case studies, relevant examples and scenarios. I am an expert in areas of Human Resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Training and Development, Performance Management system, Marketing Management, Basic IT skills and Business Environment.

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung SEO Google Analytics Social Media Google Ads (Adwords) Branding

Ciao, sono Emanuele, docente abilitato in economia, ho una laurea in international management conseguita con 110/110 e un master in innovation retail and e-marketing. Sono qui per aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi, la lezione si concentrerà principalmente sui temi che possono sembrare più ostici all'alunno, ma che insieme attraverseremo utilizzando un approccio personalizzato. Come insegnante privato, adotto un metodo di insegnamento flessibile che si adatta alle vostre esigenze individuali. Durante la lezione tipo, inizieremo con una breve introduzione al tema, seguita da una discussione interattiva per assicurarmi che abbiate una comprensione solida dei concetti chiave. Successivamente, utilizzeremo tecniche di apprendimento attivo, come esempi pratici, esercizi guidati e quiz, per rinforzare la vostra comprensione e migliorare la vostra padronanza del materiale. Sarò sempre disponibile per rispondere alle vostre domande e offrire chiarimenti quando necessario, garantendo così che il vostro apprendimento sia il più efficace possibile. Insieme, affronteremo con successo gli ostacoli che si presentano lungo il percorso verso il vostro successo educativo.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing


Hola, soy Miguel Rojas, Ingeniero con estudios de 4to y 5to nivel📍, preparación avanzada en docencia superior🖋. Más de 25 años de experiencia en la docencia, etapas en las cuales el intercambio de conocimientos con los aprendientes, colegas y formadores ha sido fundamental para el crecimiento generando Valor mutuo. Desarrollo Clases analíticas, dinámicas, plurales y comparativas, e insertadas en la globalidad y multiculturalidad🗺. El entorno presente en el proceso educativo🌠de La constancia clave para el éxito.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing

Marktforschung Google Ads (Adwords)

Hola, soy Matilde, pero puedes llamarme Mati. Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y cursado un Máster en Marketing y Dirección Comercial. He trabajado durante un año en un compañía multinacional en Irlanda (Ventas y Marketing) Desde que volví de Irlanda he diseñado planes financieros para distintos proyectos Actualmente dirijo mi propia empresa, donde estoy a cargo del departamento de marketing y financiero. Me encantaría conectar con estudiantes de ESO y bachillerato y enseñarles las maravillas del mundo del Marketing y la Economía Estoy totalmente dispuesta a ayudarte a conseguir tus metas y objetivos ¿Hablamos? ☺️

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Marketing


Bonjour, Je m'appelle Lucas Bodri, j'ai 52 ans et je suis diplômé en LEA appliquées à l'économie de l'université Paris IV Après 15 ans d'expérience dans le commerce ( 8 ans comme directeur de magasin en GSS de vêtement et 7 ans dans la vente directe de démonstrateur !à responsable d'exploitation) je me suis tourné vers l'enseignement depuis 11 ans maintenant ( 1 année en collège pour de l'allemand et je suis aujourd'hui toujours en poste dans un CFA au poste de professeur en techniques de vente). J'exerce au quotidien avec des apprentis de CAP, Bac Pro et BTS. Je peux vous proposer des cours en commerce, vente et marketin de la seconde au BTS. Pour besoins ponctuels ( préparation examens oraux et écrits). Pour besoins récurrents ( cours de l'ensemble d'un référentiel). Je sais m'adapter à vos capacités d'apprentissage en utilisant des supports variés ( utilisation de vidéos de bases de données documentaires en ligne, de cours et d'exercices papiers partagés) Mon expérience dans l'individualisation des parcours m'a apporté la patience et l'inventivité pour vous proposer une solution sur mesure.

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