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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Go Programming Language

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language C Python Java Kotlin Dart

Hello there! I'm not just your average tutor; I'm your dedicated guide in the vast world of computer science. With over 5 years of hands-on experience as a software developer, including specifically honing my skills in Java, Kotlin, Golang, and more, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My expertise lies in backend engineering, making me your go-to resource for all things software-related. What sets me apart? I'm not just fluent; I'm native in English, ensuring our communication is crystal clear. My teaching approach is tailored to your needs. I create a supportive and interactive learning environment where questions are not just welcomed but encouraged.

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






25 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language NodeJS TypeScript Go

Understand technical concepts deeply and preparing for technical interview is what I can do for you! Hello! I am a Software Engineer with a Master's degree in Computer Science. During the past 5 years, I have had experience programming in many programming languages, such as Golang and Nodejs. and Many databases like MySQL, MongoDb, Postgres , .. Helping you understand concepts deeply and writing codes step by step is what I can do for you. also I can help you for preparing the technical interview such as algorithms and system design. Each of my classes is different depending on the needs, interests, and level of each student.I like to share my knowledge with others. So, I will be glad to help you!

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Rabiul A.

Rabiul A.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language PHP CSS HTML Python Web-Entwicklung

I'm Rabiul Awal Sumon a dedicated and friendly Computer Programming tutor. I am here to guide you Python, PHP, Go, CSS, HTML, and Web development programming language. I hold a bachelor's degree in computer science and Engineering. I have 5 years of experience in Python, PHP, Go, CSS, HTML, Web Developer and devops engineering, from building web applications to data science, AI, Automation, and machine learning. I am ready to help you to achieve the Python, PHP, and Go programming language. I can also introduce you to another technology Django, flask, docker, Kubernetes, restapi, cicd, and SQL. I also teach you Javascript, React JS, and C++. My expertise spans various domains, making me well-prepared to help you achieve your programming goals. Learning to code is not just about memorizing syntax, it's about cultivating problem-solving skills. My teaching approach is forced by practical, hands-on experience. Together, we'll work on real-world projects, ensuring you understand the concepts and can apply them confidently.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






1019 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language iOS Android Web-Entwicklung Java C C# C++ ASP.NET Python HTML CSS Javascript NodeJS Ruby PHP SQL Objective-C Swift Unity ZBrush Maya (3D) Matlab React Spring Framework Logo Karel Kotlin Scratch Rost Go DELE A2 TypeScript VBA Skala Visual Basic Abap Perl Dart Groovy Ada Lua Haskell Cobol Julia Delphi/Object Pascal Assembly Language

Wenn Sie Hilfe bei einem Programmier-/Webentwicklungsthema (siehe Sprachen wie HTML, CSS, JS, React, NodeJS, PHP, C, C++, Python, SQL...), Datenbankve...

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Younes B.

Younes B.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language Javascript Python Web-Entwicklung Java TypeScript

Online Coding Tutor with 3 Years of Experience . Hello there, I'm here to help you with computer stuff! Whether you're a kid struggling with coding or a university student needing some extra guidance, I've got you covered. My name is Younes, and I work as a Software Engineer at Oracle. I know all about making websites and apps using cool tools like React, Next.js, and Node.js. I've been doing this for a while now and have helped lots of people with their projects. I'm happy to teach you all sorts of computer things, from basic stuff like how to start coding to more advanced topics like how websites actually work. I like to keep things simple and fun, so I'll break down tricky concepts into easy-to-understand pieces and give you little tasks to practice. If you're a parent worried about your kid's future in tech, don't worry! I can teach coding to kids too, starting from the very beginning with languages like Python, C++, and Java. Let's have a chat about your goals and how I can help you reach them. I'm excited to be part of your learning journey! * Object Oriented Programming * Data Structures * Advance Algorithm Analysis * Advance operating System * Machine learning * Image processing * Programming languages( Python, C++ and Java) * Web Development (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) Cheers, Younes

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language Python C++ Java Matlab Assembly Language

Ciao! Sei uno studente delle medie, superiori o università, e hai bisogno di aiuto con matematica, fisica e linguaggi di programmazione (java, c++, python e matlab)? Che si tratti di classiche lezioni, o di assistenza nel comprendere e scrivere codice per progetti e homework, sono qui per aiutarti! Sono Pietro e ho 25 anni, dopo essermi laureato in ingegneria informatica a Padova sto lavorando come Ingegnere di ricerca in ambito BCI Qualunque sia il tuo bisogno, troveremo il metodo di studio giusto per raggiungere il tuo obiettivo 👍🏻

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language C SQL Javascript PHP Java

Sono un programmatore professionista, con un GitHub sempre disponibile per verificare le mie competenze personali. Ho conseguito il titolo di “Tecnico di programmazione e sviluppo software”, e sono in possesso di altri certificati che attestano le mie competenze, oltre, ovviamente, al mio lavoro. Studiare programmazione oggi giorno apre un mondo di opportunità. Lavorare nel campo dell'informatica e della programmazione può portare a competere nei job post di grandi aziende dello sviluppo e dell'innovazione. Imparare codici è facile, ci vuole solo pratica, ma apprendere la "logica di programmazione" può essere sicuramente più complesso. Nelle mie lezioni focalizzerò la formazione su pratica e logica, con vari esercizi e casistiche reali aziendali allo scopo di insegnare anche a chi non ha conoscenze matematiche approfondite.

22 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language ASP.NET SQL Javascript PHP Django

Experiencia: • Administrador de sistemas, seguridad informática, políticas sobre Linux, Windows Server, MAC, Asterisk, Switching, Routing, Firewall, SD-DC, vía SSH durante veinte años en empresas de Call, Contact Centers, BPOs, sobre nubes de servicios certificado durante siete años en empresas de Cloud Computing, Data Centers, SOC, aplicando la filosofía de DevOps como SRE en áreas I+D, gestión, Robotinas, Nivel 3 durante cinco años en empresas de casas de Software Factory como soluciones MAIA, CRM, ERP, e-Commerce, eSales, Fichas Técnicas, AGP, AGR, B2B, B2C, SFA, en el sector Bancario como PB, MB, BV, Movilidad, Electricidad, Diseño, redes Sociales, Desarrollo WEB e Industrias del cemento y ferreterías, como tres años en ciberseguridad. Logros: • Implementación de soluciones para almacenar mensajes de colas a través de Brokers con particiones y tópicos de servicios, Orquestación de contenedores por migración de monolitos hacia micro servicios, WEB Apps, Infra legada, On Premise hacia multi-cloud, VPS, para disminuir la Deuda técnica en áreas de MLB, Sistemas, Code Lovers, NOC, Células, Tribus, SQUAD, Torres, con diagramas de soluciones de arquitecturas cloud IaaS, PaaS, SaaS de proyectos SP, MP, SEP, BFF, Feature, Main, Hotfix con submódulos en común para ambientes bajos (DEV/U, UAT SIT/TG (rc)) hacia MASTER, PROD (ga) con estrategias de Branching como Git/GitLab Flow, Trunk. Competencias: • Desarrollo de scripting ante tareas repetitivas a nivel de plataformas de Sistemas Operativos, Bases de datos, Redes, despliegues de servicios, repositorios, artefactos, sistemas operativos a nivel de red y virtualización con uso de para Integración, Entrega, Tagging, Build, Deploys, Testing, Freezing, Release y Monitoreo Continuo de Logs, Performances, servicios, Pipelines e Infraestructura como código en integración y entrega continua bajo control de gobernanza, cumplimiento y buenas prácticas de versionado en repositorios y Configuración como Código bajo manifiestos, para instancias de servicios a través de métricas, registros, alertas y guardias, pruebas unitarias, como extraer datos de sitios WEB. Habilidades: • Documentación de procesos en posts bajo Wikis, como apoyo, requerimiento de incidencias, solicitudes bajo comunicación en Ingles con nivel A2 de comunicación ante casos de proveedores y clientes, aplicados en un equipo de trabajo Holístico, objetivo y resiliente para células de trabajo en equipo, Dailys, Weeklys, Mountlys de planeación en proyectos bajo Sprints con Historias de usuario de quince días con SCRUM, ITIL, Agile, Kanban.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language C Python Java Dart VBA

Hi! I am Emanuel Grech and have a passion in teaching programming. I am graduated in B.Sc (Business & Computing). Have been teaching programming since I graduated in 2009. Started teaching locally in Malta both in schools and as private programming tutor. Taught a wide variety of programming languages, including JAVA, Python, C, C++, C#, PHP, VB and Javascript. My lessons are focused on both practice and theory. We cover lot of exercises together to help you gain more practical knowledge on programming. Practice makes perfect.. that's my motto!!

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Victor H.

Victor H.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

Go Programming Language Javascript NodeJS Python TypeScript React

¡Saludos! 👋🏻 Mi nombre es Victor Hugo Ramirez, y soy un apasionado Full Stack Developer graduado de Henry. A lo largo de mis más de 6 años de experiencia, he compartido mi pasión por la música como profesor de piano en diversas academias en la Ciudad de México. En la actualidad, mi horizonte se expande aún más, ya que no solo desarrollo y trabajo en proyectos como Front End y Back End Developer, sino que también me dedico a guiar a personas que desean sumergirse en el emocionante mundo de la programación. Con más de 5 años de trayectoria en la enseñanza en línea, he tenido el privilegio de trabajar con personas de todas las edades, desde adolescentes hasta adultos mayores. Creo firmemente en la importancia de personalizar el contenido de mis clases para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de mis alumnos. Al aprender juntos, diseñamos un viaje educativo que no solo se adapta a tus objetivos, sino que también se enfoca en desarrollar tus fortalezas únicas. En mis clases, no solo obtendrás una introducción al vasto mundo de la programación, sino que también te brindaré las herramientas y el apoyo necesarios para que puedas crecer y prosperar en esta disciplina en constante evolución. La programación es mucho más que líneas de código; es una habilidad poderosa que te permite dar vida a tus ideas y resolver desafíos de manera creativa. ¡Espero con ansias trabajar contigo!

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