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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Elektrodynamik

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen

Offro lezioni private anche in elettronica, elettrotecnica, fisica e programmazione software. Ho passione per l'insegnamento e cerco di trasmettere il mio sapere allo studente nel miglior modo possibile. Mi da soddisfazione quando gli argomenti vengono capiti e migliora il rendimento scolastico dello studente. Ho precedenti esperienze positive di ripetizioni private con ragazzi delle scuole superiori. Durante il periodo universitario, ho insegnato Elettrotecnica a una classe terza per 6 mesi all'IPSIA Leonardo Da Vinci di Magenta Le mie lezioni si svolgono con la spiegazione teorica dell'argomento non capito e di svolgimento di esercizi pratici a corredo della teoria. Si sfrutta soprattutto lo svolgimento degli esercizi di compito per fare in modo che lo studente acquisisca una metodologia di risoluzione che permetta di arrivare alla soluzione corretta, facendo tutti i passaggi, per ridurre al minimo gli errori di distrazione. Durante le lezioni metto alla prova lo studente, facendogli delle domande su come svolgerebbe o meno un esercizio, quale soluzione adotterebbe. In questo modo riesco a capire eventuali sue lacune pregresse in altre materie, che possono considerarsi un ostacolo per la comprensione del problema che si sta affrontando. Ad esempio, per quanto riguarda elettronica e fisica, è importante la comprensione dei concetti base della matematica di algebra, trigonometria, derivate, integrali, etc.. per cui cerco di coprire quelle lacune allo studente, con delle ore supplementari. Naturalmente il lavoro svolto a ripetizione non può essere considerato sufficiente per il recupero della materia. Lo studente deve studiare e svolgere gli esercizi fatti a lezione per conto suo e solo nel momento in cui dovesse avere ancora dei dubbi, si rivedrebbero insieme a lezione per un consolidamento delle conoscenze.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Theoretische Physik Physikalische Optik Mechanische Physik

Imparto asignaturas de ciencias especialmente, pero también puedo ayudar con asignaturas de letras, redacción, comentario de texto... también música y guitarra. Ofrezco clases para todos los niveles, si es una asignatura de grado puedes consultarme primero para ver si te puedo ayudar. En una primera clase me gusta conocer al estudiante y comprender su forma de pensar, ya que no todos aprendemos igual. Pero en general, pongo el foco en las bases de la matemática y la física, pues una mala base es lo habitual, y eso no permite seguir avanzando con claridad.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Guillermo E.

Guillermo E.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Experimentalphysik Theoretische Physik Mechanische Physik

¡Hola! Soy Guillermo Enrique Vázquez, Ingeniero químico, tengo más de 10 años de experiencia ayudando a niños y jóvenes a resolver dudas en diversos temas de química, física y matemáticas en nivel primaria, secundaria y bachillerato. Puedo apoyarte en diversos temas así como a entender mejor los conceptos teóricos y su interpretación practica mediante planteamiento de problemas, experimentos ejemplos prácticos. Considero que entender y aplicar las bases de estar materias te ayudaran tanto en los estudios como en la vida diaria.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Relativität Physikalische Grundlagen Computerphysik

Hola! Soy una estudiante de ingeniería informática que le encanta impartir clases a niños y adolescentes de cualquier edad. Mi especialidad son las asignaturas relacionadas con las ciencias tecnológicas: Matemáticas, Física, Tecnologia, Dibujo… Aunque también soy muy capaz de impartir química, lengua, historia… Me encantan los niños y pasar tiempo con ellos, creo que la mejor manera de mantener su atención es incentivándolos al aprendizaje haciéndoles partícipes en ejemplos trasladados y adaptados a sus hobbies y/o gustos. No hay reto que se me resista, me considero una persona muy paciente y amigable, me entiendo muy bien con los niños más pequeños. Para los adolescentes, puede ser una etapa un poco más rebelde, pero es leer a cada estudiante y saber qué problema es o que está fallando en esa asignatura en concreto. Estaré encantada de poder ser tu apoyo de cara a los exámenes finales, un parcial que no hay por donde cogerlo, tranquil@, entre los dos sacaremos toda la materia adelante. Aunque en los anuncios pongo que imparto clases online, no tengo problema alguno en impartir de forma presencial. ¡Todo es hablarlo! Un saludo… ¡Nos vemos en clase!

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



7 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen

Salve! Sono Caterina , una studentessa di ingegneria aerospaziale al terzo anno presso l’Università di Napoli. Con una passione per la fisica, la fluidodinamica e l’analisi, ho sviluppato una solida comprensione di questi argomenti e mi sono distinto nel mio percorso accademico. Sono entusiasta di condividere la mia conoscenza con gli studenti che desiderano migliorare le loro competenze in questi argomenti. Se sei alla ricerca di un tutor competente e appassionato, non esitare a contattarmi per organizzare lezioni di ripetizioni personalizzate e efficaci

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Kelvin E.




Kelvin E.


116 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Hochenergiephysik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Hello! Welcome to Glassgap. My name is Kelvin, and I'm here to assist you. I have a BSc (Hons.) degree in Physics and an MSc in Applied Mathematics. I have been teaching math for over 14 years, with a track record of success spanning over a decade. I've taught and privately tutored mathematics in high-achieving schools and colleges across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. I am confident that I can help unlock your full potential in this critical subject so you can achieve your academic goals. I can help improve your skills in calculus, pre-calculus, algebra, pre-algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential calculus. Also, I provide premium support for test and exam preparations such as PSAT, SAT, IGCSE, ACT, GED, AP, IB, and GRE, as well as other school and college entrance exams. With my assistance, you'll be fully prepared to excel in your academic pursuits. Because everyone learns at a different pace, I will customize our one-on-one sessions to your specific requirements. In the first session, I will evaluate your abilities and the skills you want to enhance. Based on that, I will create a comprehensive plan to help you achieve your goals. I strongly recommend that you schedule your first session with me to experience how math can be fun and understandable. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






149 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen

Hola, me llamo Fernando. Soy un ingeniero informático muy joven, sin embargo, mis estudios y mis ganas de aprender me han hecho tener experiencia en un gran número de tecnologías y lenguajes. Mi pasión dentro de la informática es el desarrollo web y la ciberseguridad, a los cuales he dedicado y dedico gran parte de mi tiempo para mejorar como profesional. A lo largo de mi carrera he realizado proyectos reales enfocados tanto en backend como en frontend, por lo que me considero desarrollador fullstack dominando un amplio número de lenguajes. Si necesitas ayuda tanto para tu proyecto personal como para superar cualquier asignatura del curso que estés realizando, estaré encantando de ayudarte. ¡No dudes en contactarme!

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Lucio F.

Lucio F.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

I am a Telecommunications Engineer, with decades of experience, and a teacher of IT and Telecommunications at a High School. I give accurate private lessons in mathematics and physics for middle and high school students and in technical and scientific subjects (information technology, electronics, electrical engineering, systems theory, circuit theory, applied mathematics) for students in Applied Sciences and High Schools. of Industrial Technical Institutes and Professional Institutes. I can guarantee seriousness, punctuality, constancy and a valid study method, aimed at achieving results. My lessons are articulated through necessary reading phases and consequent comprehension tests, as well as practical exercises both on paper and, where possible, with the aid of electronic calculation tools or specific software for learning verification and in-depth study. In any case, these exercises will always be preceded by verifications of understanding of the specific topics covered. I guarantee a valid verification and learning method aimed at improving and optimizing the time to devote to study and the way to successfully face the written and oral tests. The preparation for the high school exam, in particular, takes place by carrying out both oral presentations of what has been studied and written exams relating to previous sessions, always respecting the times allowed to students at the exam site. Maximum seriousness and modest prices to be defined Greetings Prof. Fucile Lucio

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Raffaele G.

Raffaele G.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikochemie

Qualified in IELTS level B1, I gladly offer English lessons to anyone who needs them for personal improvement or for better entry into the world of work. Very proactive, friendly and professional. Very patient and punctual regarding objectives and lesson times. Person with a lot of experience with young people and university freshmen. I can't wait to start teaching and tutoring as many people as possible!! I hope to be contacted by many people, counting on the fact that many will contact me!

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Relativität Quantenmechanik Mechanische Physik Quantenphysik

PhD in statistical physics -- a branch of theoretical physics. Besides doing my own academic studies and research, I have a passion to teach physics and math to university and school students. It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction by reflecting my knowledge on them and when I see them learn difficult concepts and do well in their studies. I can help you with conceptual and mathematical aspects of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, electrodynamics, mathematical methods for physics and engineering (differential equations, integral transforms, advanced calculus, linear algebra, etc), solid state physics, dynamical systems, etc. Lessons take place online, preferably on Skype. I use digital pen and screen share to make lessons very interactive and lively. I encourage students to ask questions during the lesson. I ask questions to them from past lessons to see their understanding and preparation. Students usually perform well in the test they are preparing for. I have seen students improve a lot after taking my lessons. I have helped many students to pass in courses they had failed in past. I also teach mathematics - mainly algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, advanced calculus, probability & statistics, etc. My teaching will be good for college and university students studying physics/engineering, as well as high school students studying physics/maths. I have helped numerous students preparing for their semester exams as well as various competitive exams like Physics GRE, SAT, ACT, Olympiad, AP Physics 1, 2 and C, AP Calculus AB and BC, IIT-JEE, IIT-JAM, JEST, TIFR, CSIR-NET, GATE, etc. Please message me describing your current situation, course details, etc., before booking any trial lesson, as I am usually busy and I also have to see the timeline and course description before making any commitment or plans.