Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Wirtschaft

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Docente di economia aziendale dal 2016, con esperienza in istituti tecnici economici. Offro il mio aiuto in economia aziendale per la preparazione di verifiche, interrogazioni e il recupero di debiti scolastici. Ho esperienza come insegnante di sostegno e come insegnante di materia con alunni DSA. Sono disponibile anche per la preparazione di esami universitari in economia aziendale, ragioneria e altri esami in ambito economico e gestionale. Sono laureata economia con il massimo dei voti, in particolare “Amministrazione, Controllo e Professione”. La lezione sarà strutturata in modo tale da ottimizzare gli obiettivi che si vogliono raggiungere, personalizzando la didattica al livello e ai tempi di apprendimento di ogni alunno.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Hola! Soy licenciado y doctor en economía por la Universidad de Alcalá y la UniversidadComplutense, además tengo un máster en el IEF en Hacienda Pública y Análisis Económico. He trabajado en banca, telecomunicaciones y universidades desde hace 25 años. Tengo experiencia dando clases online a alumnos de bachillerato y de nivel universitario. Me gusta organizar las clases según las necesidades de cada alumno. ¡Estaré encantado de ayudarte a conseguir tus objetivos! Las clases son dinámicas y se desarrollan tanto teoría como práctica buscando maximizar el rendimiento de los alumnos.

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Engr. J.

Engr. J.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Meet Engineer Jabir, a multifaceted professional who is making a significant impact in various fields. With a strong foundation in mathematics and a passion for teaching, Engineer Jabir has established himself as an esteemed educator, inspiring countless students to embrace the world of numbers and equations. As a professional teacher in mathematics, he possesses a profound understanding of the subject and utilizes his expertise to simplify complex concepts, making learning an enjoyable experience for his students. However, Engineer Jabir's talents extend far beyond the classroom. He is also a skilled writer, captivating audiences with his compelling storytelling and informative content. Whether it's through articles, blog posts, or books, his writing prowess captivates readers, leaving them informed and inspired. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Engineer Jabir shines as a knowledgeable tutor, guiding aspiring marketers through the intricacies of online promotion. His expertise in this ever-evolving field enables him to empower others with the skills needed to thrive in the digital realm. Moreover, Engineer Jabir has embraced the freedom of freelancing, leveraging his diverse skill set to work on a wide range of projects. From web design and development to graphic design and content creation, his versatility and commitment to excellence make him a sought-after freelancer. One of Engineer Jabir's unique talents lies in teaching individuals how to harness the power of the internet to generate income. His passion for online work and wealth creation is evident in his role as a tutor, where he equips students with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the digital landscape and monetize their skills effectively. In summary, Engineer Jabir is a dynamic individual who effortlessly combines his expertise in mathematics, teaching, writing, digital marketing, freelancing, and content creation. With his guidance, you can unlock the secrets of working online and discover the path to financial independence. Prepare to be inspired and educated as you embark on a journey with Engineer Jabir to embrace the world of online work and money-making opportunities.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Kajal M.

Kajal M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

I am Kajal Mahajan. I love to teach. I love to meet students in order to help them with their subjects and problems in the subject particularly the accounts and the economics. I am passionate about teaching and want to explore the education filed forever. I dream of the scenario where I can help every kind with his or her problems in their subjects and help them to understand the concepts and score good in their assignments and the exams. I assure myself everytime to render the best of my services to the students with the best of my knowledge.

27 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Vereinigtes Königreich

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Hi, I'm Imran Mir, a private tutor with a Master of Science degree in Sports Management. I have several years of experience teaching business and sports to degree level, as well as key stage 3 English and Maths, and economics to degree level. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise with students, and helping them achieve their full potential. With a strong academic background and practical experience in sports management, I provide a unique perspective on the business world, helping students develop a deep understanding of the industry. In addition to teaching business and sports, I have a talent for simplifying complex concepts in economics, making it more accessible and enjoyable for students. My patient, creative and engaging teaching style helps students develop confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. I also have extensive experience teaching key stage 3 English and Maths, and am skilled at identifying and addressing individual learning needs. I believe in creating a personalized learning environment that meets the needs and interests of each student, while challenging them to achieve their full potential. Whether you're a student seeking to improve your grades or an adult looking to enhance your knowledge and skills in sports management, business, economics, English or Maths, I'm here to help. With my expertise, passion, and dedication to student success, I can help you reach your goals and realize your full potential. I always strive to make my lessons interactive and engaging to keep my students interested and motivated. For example, when teaching economics, I might use real-world examples to illustrate complex concepts, encouraging students to think critically and engage with the subject matter. I also like to use multimedia resources, such as videos and online simulations, to make the learning experience more immersive and enjoyable. Ultimately, I believe that creating a positive, collaborative learning environment is key to engaging students and helping them achieve their full potential. By tailoring my lessons to the unique needs and interests of each student, I strive to make learning a fun, rewarding, and memorable experience.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Diplômée d'une licence et d'un master en économie, je souhaite proposer des cours à des élèves de tous niveaux. J'ai déjà donné des cours particuliers par le passé, en français, anglais et sciences économiques. J'ai pu aider mes élèves à préparer leurs examens en approfondissant leurs compétences et leurs connaissances, et en leur permettant d'acquérir la méthodologie des différents exercices. Je serais donc ravie de vous aider, que vous soyez un élève de lycée ou un étudiant du supérieur.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Professeure agrégée d'économie gestion depuis quatre ans. J'ai enseigné à des classes de STMG et classe de BTS comptabilité gestion. J'ai obtenu un bac STMG mention très bien avec 16,87 de moyenne générale. J'ai ensuite obtenu un DUT GEA option comptabilité finance et poursuivi sur une licence générale en management comptable et financier. Par la suite, j'ai obtenu mon Master MEEF et j'ai pu débuter mon métier dans l'enseignement. Concernant ma pédagogie, je m'adapte à tout type d'élèves et je suis très patiente. Mon but est de faire progresser chaque élève à leur rythme et selon les attendes des épreuves/examens.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

¡Hola! Soy Ainhoa Torres, estudiante de derecho. Creo que para estudiar con eficacia es conveniente aplicar diferentes metodologías y estrategias de estudio en función de la materia curricular. Para ello, organizaré un plan de estudio y trabajo en función de las necesidades de la persona y, utilizaré ejemplos visuales, auditivos e incluso cenestésicos. También ofrezco materiales de apoyo para que resulte más sencillo. ¡Estaré encantada de ayudarte a conseguir tus objetivos!

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Ciao, sono Emanuele, docente abilitato in economia, ho una laurea in international management conseguita con 110/110 e un master in innovation retail and e-marketing. Sono qui per aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi, la lezione si concentrerà principalmente sui temi che possono sembrare più ostici all'alunno, ma che insieme attraverseremo utilizzando un approccio personalizzato. Come insegnante privato, adotto un metodo di insegnamento flessibile che si adatta alle vostre esigenze individuali. Durante la lezione tipo, inizieremo con una breve introduzione al tema, seguita da una discussione interattiva per assicurarmi che abbiate una comprensione solida dei concetti chiave. Successivamente, utilizzeremo tecniche di apprendimento attivo, come esempi pratici, esercizi guidati e quiz, per rinforzare la vostra comprensione e migliorare la vostra padronanza del materiale. Sarò sempre disponibile per rispondere alle vostre domande e offrire chiarimenti quando necessario, garantendo così che il vostro apprendimento sia il più efficace possibile. Insieme, affronteremo con successo gli ostacoli che si presentano lungo il percorso verso il vostro successo educativo.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Wirtschaft

Ciao, sono Cristina Ruta, sono laureata in Consulenza e Gestione d'Impresa all'Università di Messina con votazione 110/110, ho anche conseguito un master in "Esperto per le professioni Economico-Aziendali". Ho lavorato presso degli studi commerciali e negli ultimi 3 anni mi sono dedicata al mondo dell'insegnamento perché mi piace molto di più questo aspetto della mia professione. Ho esperienza nel dare lezioni online a studenti delle scuole superiori e dell'università. Mi piace organizzare le lezioni in base alle esigenze di ogni studente, sarò felice di aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi!

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