Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach CMS

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

I am working as a teacher at the university level having more than 5 years of experience. After my Engineering degree, I joined private colleges for practice and interact with many students. I am also doing online tutoring in different countries. I did courses in graphic designing and WordPress after completion of my degree. My teaching style is different from others. I preferred Mind mapping and the Demonstrative learning style with a lot of activities for clearing concepts. I offer reliable tutoring in different subjects - Computer Science - Project Management - WordPress Development - Programming Languages C++, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS - Graphic Designing - Web development - Mathematics You will get a reliable mentoring service at less cost. I am sure after learning your concepts will clear and also get good marks. Looking forward to your response Thanks

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Hola, soy Pedro Corchero Murga, graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Extremadura y Máster en Gestión de la Información Digital. Mi trabajo es ayudarte a conseguir los resultados de aprendizaje que deseas sobre diseño web, CSS, HTML, Wordpress y explicarlo de una manera mucho más amena y efectiva que los profesores estándares de universidad, ya que iré al grano y te ayudaré también a resolver los problemas y dudas que tengas en este apasionante mundo del diseño web y la programación.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design


Hace dos años hice cursos de HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript básico, además también tengo formación en UX/UI, no soy una experta pero puedo ayudarte en la iniciación de tus estudios de diseño web. Actualmente estoy estudiando un grado superior en desarrollo de aplicaciones multiplataforma en la Universidad Europea. Ya me encuentro trabajando en el sector tecnológico, soy una QA Lead 😀🫶🏻 también puedo ensañarte testing de software si estás interesad@! Escríbeme y tengamos una clase de prueba!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Soy un desarrollador web es un profesional altamente capacitado y apasionado por crear soluciones digitales en la World Wide Web. Habilidades Técnicas: Soy desarrollador web soy experto en técnologias y lenguajes de programación como HTML, CSS, JavaScript y PHP. Diseño Responsivo: Soy un desarrollador web que comprende la importancia del diseño web responsivo para garantizar que los sitios sean accesibles y se vean bien en una variedad de dispositivos y tamaños de pantalla. Experiencia en UX/UI: Entiendo los principios de Experiencia de Usuario (UX) y Diseño de Interfaz de Usuario (UI) es esencial para crear sitios web funcionales y atractivos.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Nata in una famiglia di artisti tradizionali. Sono cresciuta circondata da vetrate dipinte, odore di vernici e tinture. Ho deciso di ricercare un’arte differente da quella dei miei genitori e come nativa digitale ho trovato la mia passione nel web e nelle sue tendenze. Dopo il diploma ho deciso di partire con il mio Mac e un trolley per Brescia dove ho coseguito il diploma di secondo livello all’accademia Santagiulia in Web e comunicazione. Ho iniziato la mia avventura lavorativa, in un’agenzia di Brescia, dove ho imparato molto sul Web e su come si lavora in questo settore, ma soprattutto ho scoperto che non lavoro per vivere, ma vivo per lavorare. Il web è la mia passione.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and innovation, the role of a computer science teacher extends far beyond the classroom. As an experienced and dedicated computer science educator, my commitment to shaping the future innovators of tomorrow is unwavering. With a passion for the subject and a deep understanding of its intricacies, I strive to create an enriching learning environment that empowers students to excel in the world of programming, problem-solving, and cutting-edge technology. One of the cornerstones of my teaching philosophy is fostering a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals. I firmly believe that a solid understanding of core concepts forms the bedrock upon which students can build their future endeavors. I make it a priority to break down complex topics into digestible modules, ensuring that each student comprehends the material at their own pace. This personalized approach not only cultivates a sense of confidence but also promotes active engagement and critical thinking. Beyond theory, I emphasize the practical application of computer science principles. Through hands-on projects and real-world simulations, students get to witness firsthand how their learning translates into tangible solutions. This approach not only makes the subject matter more relatable but also equips students with the skills and confidence to tackle real challenges in the field. From coding interactive applications to developing algorithms, my students are immersed in a dynamic learning experience that mirrors the dynamic nature of the tech industry. In my classroom, diversity and collaboration are celebrated. I firmly believe that the best solutions arise from a blend of perspectives and backgrounds. I encourage open discussions, peer learning, and group projects that enable students to collaborate, share ideas, and collectively find innovative solutions to problems. By fostering an inclusive environment, I ensure that every student feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique insights. Staying updated with the latest industry trends and advancements is crucial in the world of computer science. As a teacher, I am committed to continuous learning and professional development. Attending workshops, conferences, and networking events enables me to bring fresh insights and emerging technologies into the classroom. By keeping pace with industry trends, I ensure that my students receive education that is not only relevant but also forward-looking. In conclusion, as a computer science teacher, my mission extends beyond delivering lectures and grading assignments. I am dedicated to nurturing the next generation of tech trailblazers by providing them with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. By focusing on fundamentals, practical application, diversity, and ongoing learning, I equip my students with the tools they need to excel in the ever-evolving world of computer science. Join me on this exciting journey of exploration, innovation, and empowerment, as we unlock the limitless potential of the digital age together

24 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Salut, je suis Chloé, une graphiste qui travaille depuis plus de dix ans avec WordPress pour la création de sites web et la suite Adobe pour la création graphique (mais aussi tout un tas d'autres outils divers et variés, en fonction des besoins.) Mon surnom c'est Dr.Geek, si vous bloquez quelque part sur un ordinateur ou sur le web, je trouverais probablement une solution pour vous tirer d'affaire. J'adore les défis et par-dessus tout, j'aime aider ; alors si vous êtes humain(e), vous aussi, on va passer un moment cool et vous allez apprendre plein de choses ! :D

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






10 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Web-Design


Je suis Yehiel Yanou, un jeune développeur et passionné de 23 ans. La programmation depuis que j'ai 14 ans m'a toujours passionné; cette passion m'a donc poussé à me perfectionner dans la plus part des technologies et langages de programmation du web (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, React Js, Bootstrap...) et mobile (React Native, Ionic, Android) ; les applications desktop aussi n'ont plus de secret pour moi car je maitrise également le framework .Net. Ces compétences je les ai acquises principalement grâce aux différentes formations auxquelles j'ai participé et la formation que j'ai reçu pendant mes études universitaires où je me suis diplômé en Génie Logiciel. J'espère et souhaite que vous me ferrez confiance et ensemble on relèvera des défis.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






19 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Hi, my name Theo. I have 20+ years of experience in web development, I have international advanced diploma in computer studies from NCC UK. I worked as Senior Technology Consultant at a leading firm in Botswana. I have gained a lot of practical experiences that I would love to share with my students. I love to teach and tutor people on how to build websites and web applications. I love reading technology blogs, build web applications, listening to music and watching sci-fi based movies and series. Book a class with me and you will not regret it.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

CMS Wordpress

Profesor universitario especializado en Ingeniería de Software enfocado en la enseñanza de alta calidad por medio de clases amenas. Fomento e incentivo la actitud de liderazgo de los estudiantes, invitándolos a proyectarse y a tener iniciativa. Enfatizo la importancia de la investigación aún por fuera de los contenidos, a gestionar soluciones y nuevas formas de trabajo. Ante el constante cambio en el panorama de la industria tecnológica ofrezco en mis clases temas de vanguardia para fomentar aun más el conocimiento en nuestros profesionales del mañana. Anímate y permíteme por favor guiarte en PHP, C#, ASP.NET, Python, Java, C++, desarrollo web, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery y mucho más!.

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