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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Chemie

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Biochemie Pharmazeutische Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Do you need help ? Here I am !!!! Chemistry and Biology will be your next bestfriend ! No more fear ! We will start from your personal knowledge to identify the best pathway to reach your goals; than, we will focus on your personal ability, to increase and develop your skill throught a personalized approach ! I'm a Chemist and a Community Pharmacist able to help you to deepin every detail of general, organic and analitical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology. I've been employed as a teacher both in local High School and in Local Collage.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Grundlagen der Chemie

Ich bleibe derzeit in Deutschland und lerne die deutsche Sprache. Ich habe den B.Sc. abgeschlossen. in Chemie von der University of Burdwan, WB, Indie...

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Physikochemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hola, soy Val, Química de Alimentos, una de mis pasiones es dar clases, cuento con 5 años de experiencia enseñando, tanto a alumnos de bachillerato como universitarios. Disfruto mucho de mi profesión y creo que nada es complicado, solo hay que saber comunicarlo y entenderlo. Siempre trato de organizar la clase de acuerdo a las necesidades del alumno, de igual forma busco la manera más sencilla y dinámica de explicar la materia. Así que, si se te complica la química escríbeme, estaré encantada de ayudarte.

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Yeni C.

Yeni C.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Biochemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Clases amenas e interactivas orientadas a tus necesidades. Materias: Biología, Botánica, Bioestadística, así como apoyo escolar de Química y Matemática. Metodología interactiva, promuevo la participación y el aprender haciendo. Me comprometo con el proceso de enseñanza y procuro que el estudiante asimile los contenidos de la manera más natural posible. Utilizo una variedad de herramientas multimedia para facilitar el aprendizaje. Realizo seguimiento a posteriori para monitorear el cumplimiento de los objetivos de estudio.

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Ciao, sono Roberta Piccotti, sono laureata in Scienze Chimiche all'Università degli Studi di Torino. Sono una persona attenta e precisa. Fin dal liceo mi è sempre piaciuto aiutare i miei compagni nelle materie che risultavano loro più difficili, per questo motivo mi dedico alle lezioni online. Posso dare lezioni di matematica e chimica in Italiano, per studenti delle scuole superiori. Sono disponibile anche per aiuto compiti per studenti delle scuole elementari e delle scuole medie.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Biochemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Sono un giovane laureato in scienze agrarie e ambientali che ha appena iniziato il suo percorso magistrale. La mia carriera universitaria mi ha permesso di acquisire importanti conoscenze in ambito scientifico , in particolare chimica, biologia, genetica e scienze in generale. Essendo ancora molto giovane, capisco le dinamiche che possono rendere la vita difficile ad uno studente, ecco perché cercherò di rendere le mie lezioni più semplici e comprensibili possibile.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Sri Lanka

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Biochemie Chemie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hey there! I'm Gimhani, a passionate nature lover 🌿. I'm also really into green chemistry 🧪, which is all about making the world cleaner and greener 🌍. I'm here to help you learn chemistry online, and I'm available whenever you need me, whether you're a night owl 🌙 or an early bird 🌅. What makes me different? Well, I'm all about making your learning experience as easy as possible. If you're just starting 📚, I'll begin with the basics. If you already know some stuff 🧐, we can go into more complex things. It's all about what suits you best. So, how do I teach? It's super flexible. You can ask me questions, and I'll give you simple and clear answers 💬. Or if you like, I can explain topics step by step, so you really understand them 🎯. If you want to practice, I can give you exercises and let you know how you're doing 💪. And I can also suggest books 📚, articles 📰, and videos 🎥 to help you learn more. I'm happy to help all kinds of learners, whether you're just starting out or you're pretty advanced 🚀. I'm here to make learning fun and not boring 😄. We can learn together, explore chemistry 🔬, and help make the world a better place 🌍. If you have any questions or need help, just reach out 📬. Let's learn and have fun together! 🌱🔬📚🌞🎓👩‍🏫

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Emmanuel S.

Emmanuel S.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Industrielle Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Anorganische Chemie

My name is Omidiji Emmanuel Sunday. I have 18 years experience in teaching mathematics, Chemistry and other sciences. I had my first degree in Chemical Engineering and diploma in Education. I have teaching prowess in linear programming, applied mathematics, algebra etc which can help students in higher learning. I have experience in teaching Olevel and A level IGCSE Mathematics and Chemistry My teaching prowess in Maths covers research operation, calculus, numeracy, trigonometry, statistics etc and also I have vast knowledge in theoretical and practical aspect of Chemistry I am equally Cambridge and Pearson examiner in Mathematics and Chemistry respectively. WAEC examiner in Chemistry, NABTEB examiner in Physics. My experience and achievements had earned me so many national and international recognition. If I can be contacted in any areas I applied, the applicants will not regret. Book me for the best in Maths and Chemistry

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Carlos R.

Carlos R.


7 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Chemie

Reine Chemie Physikochemie Industrielle Chemie Kristallchemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Hola. Soy Carlos Romero, profesor en diversas áreas de la Química, que incluyen Química general, Analítica, Fisicoquímica, Orgánica e Inorgánica. Mi experiencia académica es más de 15 años a nivel universitario con doctorado en Química y publicaciones en revistas científicas. Mis clases de química las organizo según las necesidades del estudiante, explicando los conceptos básicos y las aplicaciones de los contenidos de la clase para alcanzar sus objetivos. Con mucho gusto te acompañare en el camino de aprender Química, de forma gradual y agradable.

21 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Chemie

Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie

Bonjour, je m'appelle Ulrich Chimi, je suis diplômé en ingénierie minière et titulaire d'un Mastère spécialisé en Ingénierie et Gestion du Gaz de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris. J'ai trois ans d'expérience comme professeur de cours en ligne pour les élèves du secondaire. J'aime organiser les cours selon les objectifs d'apprentissage de chaque élève et je serai heureux de vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en mathématiques, physiques et chimie. Ma méthodologie consiste à revoir intégralement le cours tout en insistant sur les points qui n'ont pas été bien assimilés, puis faire des exercices d'application et enfin des exercices d'approfondissement.