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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach C++

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ C SQL Python Web-Entwicklung Java

Hola! 👋 Soy Rubén Carro, con titulo en física médica, desarrollo de software y actualmente realizando un máster en la Universidad Nebrija en ciberdelincuecia y ciberseguridad. Con experiencia superior a 4 años en varios lenguajes de programación he realizado proyectos en visión artificial (python), automatización de cálculos geométricos en el ámbito de la física médica (sql, python) y robótica avanzada (C); conozco el arduo camino del Autodidacta y la frustración al encontrar montañas de referencias y textos de diversas fuentes sin saber bien por donde empezar o donde encontrar literatura de calidad con ejemplo prácticos claros para un aprendizaje progresivo, eficaz y completo. Es por ello que me gustaría formar a futuros profesionales o profesionales en activo a mejorar sus skills en programación de alto nivel, u ofrecer ayuda y guía a quién quiera adentrarse en el mundo de la ciberseguridad y el hacking ético con mucho más que vagos conceptos p definiciones ambiguas que no hacen otra cosa que confundir al lector. Con altas competencias comunicativas y profundas ganas de transmitir lo que sé y ayudar en el crecimiento de programadores y entusiastas de campos con gran futuro como la seguridad cibernética y el análisis forense digital. Espero poder conoceros pronto!

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ SQL Javascript HTML Java TypeScript

Buongiorno, impariamo i fondamenti di informatica passo passo (anche se non sei esperto e non ami particolarmente la materia). Tratteremo gli argomenti che vuoi, tra cui: - Installazione e utilizzo ambiente di sviluppo (IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, VisualStudio, Intellij, ecc.) - Programmazione base con esempi (learning by example + slide, manuali ecc) - Come verificare se il codice è scritto bene (formattazione e leggibilità del codice) - L’importanza del debug (verifica del corretto funzionamento del programma, lettura dei valori delle variabili, ispezione del codice in esecuzione, modifica 'a caldo' delle variabili) - Tempo per domande e approfondimenti (e per conoscerci per rendere meno pesante l'ora!) - Test automation (Maven, Gradle), uso librerie e framework piu comuni e altri software più come excel, word, powerpoint ecc per chi vuol solo migliorare nell'uso del pc. - disponibile anche offline per risposte su dubbi o domande Le lezioni si svolgono online utilizzando un software di accesso remoto al vostro computer. Se siete minorenni è obbligatorio avere consenso da parte dei vostri genitori per permettermi di accedere al pc e aiutarvi interagendo e muovendo il vostro mouse . Questo faciliterà la nostra esperienza e migliorerà la comunicazione proprio come se fossi li di fianco a voi! Naturalmente per tutte le info scrivetemi, vi risponderò non appena possibile. Grazie mille per la vostra attenzione Buono Studio! Massimo

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Jose G.




Jose G.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ SQL Python Java Matlab

Profesor Universitario Jubilado con 30 años de Experiencia. Area de experticia: Diseño, análisis y programación de métodos numéricos. Doy clase de programación básica en Java, Python,Matlab y C++. Tambíen doy clases de matemáticas básicas He trabajado durante 7 años en la plataforma Estadounidense TutorMe. En cuanto a mi formación académica, soy Ingeniero en Informática por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y tengo un Doctorado en Informática y Matemática Aplicadas en Ciencias e Ingeniería en las Universidades Carlos II de Madrid (Período Docente) y Politécnica de Cartagena Murcia (Período de Investigación)

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ Python

Hello, I am Aashrith. I have completed a degree in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering. In college, I taught "M1,M2" math to second year students. For the past two years I have been a math teacher. I have dedicated myself to the world of teaching while enjoying this aspect of my job. I have experience conducting online classes for high school students and University students. I love structuring lessons according to each student's needs and I'll be happy to help you achieve your goals.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ C Python

Greetings! I am Ashish David. I have a degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from one of the world's top university. I have experience in tutoring for more than 2 years now. I teach C++ to aspiring high school students who wish to go to Ivy leagues and want to be prepared for the best. My C++ course is also for undergraduates. I have experience in industry too and I have worked at one of the top 10 universities in the world. I also have experience in data structures and algorithms as I have participated in many international coding competitions like ACM ICPC, Facebook Hacker Cup, etc. I am here to teach you Python and C++. Join my classes if you want to be the best!

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Hammad (.

Hammad (.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ SQL Javascript NodeJS CSS HTML

Hi! I'm hammad, and I'm super excited to meet you! I'm not just your regular teacher. I'm here to make learning fun and exciting for you. In my classes, you can expect a friendly and welcoming vibe. We'll have lots of chances to ask questions and explore new ideas together. I like to plan our lessons carefully to cover all the important stuff, but I'm also open to going with the flow and adjusting based on what you're interested in. As for me, I've been teaching for 2 years, and I really love it. I'm always learning new things to share with you. When it comes to technology, I'm handy with Computer Science field. I make sure to keep up with the latest stuff so I can help you out. Most importantly, I'm here to support you. Whether you're stuck on something or just want to chat, I'm here to help. So, if you're ready to learn and have some fun along the way, let's get started!

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






3717 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ CSS HTML Java Javascript PHP SQL Web-Entwicklung

Mi nombre es Mauricio Piñango. Vivo en Venezuela y me gusta enseñar sobre las cosas que me apasionan como lo son la programación y el desarrollo web. Pienso que la mejor forma de aprender es llevando la teoría aprendida a la practica y experimentar, por uno mismo, los nuevos conocimientos. Mis clases son teóricas y practicas, pero me gusta enfocarme mas en la practica porque se afianza mucho más el conocimiento adquirido. Me gusta mantener actualizado los temas en mis clases para que el alumno pueda tener información al día que le sirva en su desarrollo personal y profesional. Tengo experiencia en los siguientes lenguajes: Java - C++ - PHP - Python - JavaScript - SQL - HTML - CSS y Programación Web.

19 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ C SQL Android Python Java

As a software development engineer eager to share my knowledge and teaching experience (especially for higher education), I offer personalized private lessons for all levels, from beginner to advanced. I have acquired in-depth expertise in programming languages and their applications. I'm able to guide you through all aspects of programming, from basic syntax to the most advanced concepts ( e.g POO ). My experience : - 3 years' experience as a software development engineer in a multinational company. My skills : - Design, development and maintenance of backend applications [ UML , HTML/CSS]. - Proficiency in the following programming languages : [ Java, C/C++ and Python]. - Relational and non-relational database experience [ SQL, PL/SQL, Postgres, Couchebase ]. - Systems programming: shell and Linux - Good communication, teaching and problem-solving skills.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ Javascript CSS HTML Web-Entwicklung React

Hello! I am Koushik. I have degree in Computer science from Techno India University. I have worked for many Edtech firms as a Coding Instructor and have made many students feel comfortable in web development topics also I have a good number of freelancing experience as a Web Developer . Teaching is my passion . I have experience giving online classes to elementary school to university students. I like to organize classes according to the needs of each student, I will be very much happy to help you achieve your goals.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Programmierung

C++ C PHP HTML Python Java

Hello! I am Hajira Amjad I will teach students all subjects related to Software Engineering and computer science, especially coding-related subjects. I have a strong educational background with good grades and clear concepts. I can deliver well due to my good communication skills. I am a friendly teacher I don't like strictness and want my class to be friendly, interesting, and engaging. I can give you a demo also if you want and I will try my level best to share my knowledge for the betterment of students. Hope to see you soon.