⏱ Usually responds within a few hours

🏆 Over 10 years of experience teaching online classes

Anna E.

He's from Spain

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About me

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¡Hola! Me llamo Anna y soy traductora autónoma. Durante mis estudios, compaginé la traducción con la enseñanza, y gracias a ello descubrí otra de mis pasiones. Ayudo a mis alumnos a conseguir sus objetivos, adaptando las clases a las necesidades particulares que tengan. Imparto clases de catalán para jóvenes y adultos, con el objetivo de que aprendan y descubran los secretos de esta maravillosa lengua. Me gusta el dinamismo y dar a mis clases un enfoque personalizado, siempre en función de las prioridades del alumnado. ¡Primero escucho, luego trabajamos!

Hello! My name is Anna and I am a freelance translator. During my studies, I combined translation with teaching, and thanks to this I discovered another of my passions. I help my students achieve their goals, adapting classes to the particular needs they have. I teach Catalan classes for young people and adults, with the aim of them learning and discovering the secrets of this wonderful language. I like dynamism and giving my classes a personalized approach, always based on the students' pri...

Hello! My name is Anna and I am a freelance translator. During my studies, I combined translation with teaching, and thanks to this I discovered another of my passions. I help my students achieve their goals, adapting classes to the particular needs they have. I teach Catalan classes for young people and adults, with the aim of them learning and discovering the secrets of this wonderful language. I like dynamism and giving my classes a personalized approach, always based on the students' priorities. First we listen, then we work!

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  • Catalan
    • Grammar
    • A2 Exam Preparation
    • C1 Exam Preparation
  • Spanish
    • Grammar
    • DELE B1 Exam Preparation
    • DELE B2 Exam Preparation

Availability (The calendar displayed shows your local time)

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Student reviews

Muy buena profesora, explica bien los contenidos y hace las clases amenas.
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all





Master/Postgraduate Postgrau En Correcció I Assessorament Lingüístic (Uab)
Degree - B.A. Grau En Traducció I Interpretació (Upf)

Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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$8 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Angels S.




Angels S.


194 lessons

Teaches: Catalan

Speaks: Catalan, Spanish, English, French

Hello My name is Angels and I live in Reus and I am 44 years old. I am married and have 2 children aged 14 and 10. I work as a receptionist in a hote...